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Smallcakes A Cupcakery (Essay Sample)

“Smallcakes A Cupcakery” is an exclusive retail franchise that has created and is marketing some very unique and innovative specialty cupcake flavors, uses the finest of ingredients, and provides exceptional customer relations. The brand was established in the UAE by Sheikha Al Nuaimi, with the backing of the famous American cupcake brand by Jeff Martin . As for the conflict the company faced, the marketing team launched promotional campaigns requiring increased production, which clashed with the operations team's emphasis on maintaining quality and standardization, leading to strained inter-departmental relations and decreased productivity. Each and every Smallcakes store is exclusively run as a franchise, and all stores are expected to adhere to the Smallcakes creative level and food quality level. It deals with operational activities related to baking, number of outlets, and interaction with customers. However, challenges exist in the operation such as maintaining product and service quality across various franchises in the country and dealing with customer expectancy issues. This report analyses these conflicts, reviewing potential solutions that may help to improve the processes of conflicts’ solving and the results of business activity in general. source..
Assignment 2 Smallcakes A Cupcakery Student Name Student ID: TABLE OF CONTENTS TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1. Introduction PAGEREF _Toc174192639 \h 32. Levels of Conflict at “Smallcakes A Cupcakery” PAGEREF _Toc174192640 \h 33. Improved Conflict Resolution System PAGEREF _Toc174192641 \h 54. Validation of Conflict Resolution Approach Using TCM Model PAGEREF _Toc174192642 \h 75. Early-stage Conflict Strategies PAGEREF _Toc174192643 \h 96. Conclusion and Recommendation PAGEREF _Toc174192644 \h 117. References PAGEREF _Toc174192645 \h 13 1. Introduction “Smallcakes A Cupcakery” is an exclusive retail franchise that has created and is marketing some very unique and innovative specialty cupcake flavors, uses the finest of ingredients, and provides exceptional customer relations. The brand was established in the UAE by Sheikha Al Nuaimi, with the backing of the famous American cupcake brand by Jeff Martin (itsherway, 2024). As for the conflict the company faced, the marketing team launched promotional campaigns requiring increased production, which clashed with the operations team's emphasis on maintaining quality and standardization, leading to strained inter-departmental relations and decreased productivity. Each and every Smallcakes store is exclusively run as a franchise, and all stores are expected to adhere to the Smallcakes creative level and food quality level. It deals with operational activities related to baking, number of outlets, and interaction with customers. However, challenges exist in the operation such as maintaining product and service quality across various franchises in the country and dealing with customer expectancy issues. This report analyses these conflicts, reviewing potential solutions that may help to improve the processes of conflicts’ solving and the results of business activity in general. 2. Levels of Conflict at “Smallcakes A Cupcakery” In “Smallcakes A Cupcakery”, one identifies a conflict that consists of several types of conflict that are dynamic and quite different from one another. 2.1. Intrapersonal Conflict Intrapersonal conflict is a type of conflict that happens within a person due to some personal values, goals, or expectations conflicting with organizational norms (Toncheva-Zlatkova, 2023). This type of conflict is likely to cause stress and achieve poor results in terms of organizational output. However, it can also improve decision quality as individuals critically assess their own values and align them with organizational goals. It may also stimulate creativity by forcing individuals to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions. For instance, within “Smallcakes A Cupcakery”, a baker could feel pressure when introducing new products while focusing on quality, which creates inner pressure and can cause burnout. 2.2. Interpersonal Conflict Interpersonal conflict may be defined as a disagreement that people have with each other as a result of their differences in personality, communication, or conflicting goals. This particular type of conflict negatively affects the working relationships of the employees (McDermott, Kauten, & May 2023). For example, a decorator and a baker within “Smallcakes A Cupcakery”, was found to have conflicting concepts concerning the frosting design of cupcakes, which resulted in issues of conflict that impact the office ambiance and workers' output. Interpersonal conflict can lead to absenteeism as employees might avoid the workplace to escape conflict situations. It can also cause staff turnover, as unresolved interpersonal conflicts may drive individuals to leave the organization. 2.3. Intergroup Conflict Intergroup conflict is a conflict that appears between different groups in an organization such as between two departments or teams. Conflict is widespread in organizations and can be a result of rivalry for resources or where goals and objectives are incompatible (Toncheva-Zlatkova, 2023). Considering Smallcakes’s organizational structure, one of the primary conflict sources may be the rivalry between the marketing department and the operational department. The marketing department may seek to create immediate promotional campaigns that require extra materials and effort from company resources, which conflict with operations whose main role is to ensure quality and standardization. While these conflicts can stimulate creativity and lead to change and stability by pushing departments to innovate and collaborate better, they can also lead to absenteeism, staff turnover, and non-productivity if not managed effectively. 2.4. Inter-organizational Conflict External conflict exists between one organization and other organizations that may be competitive or have different goals in an environment (Klimas, Stańczyk, Sachpazidu, Stanimir, & Kuźmiński, 2023). Such a conflict can be a strain on partnerships or market positioning within a broader network of “Smallcakes A Cupcakery”. The firm might face conflict with other organizations such as suppliers over the prices they offer, and the frequency of their deliveries. This aspect is proved with the fact that competition with other bakery chains in the F&B industry of UAE could create issues related to market share and positioning of brand image (Shaikh, Chai, Gelfand, Yang, & Bernstein, 2024). Such external conflicts can sometimes encourage interest in competitive dynamics, driving companies to innovate and remain relevant. Therefore, these issues within “Smallcakes A Cupcakery”, call for adequate bargaining and partnership skills with a view to preserving good relations and gaining a competitive edge. 3. Improved Conflict Resolution System 3.1. Current Conflict Resolution Practices “Smallcakes A Cupcakery” today uses both formal and informal methods to handle any conflict situations within franchises. The formal approach commonly entails the provision of distinct communication structures or platforms where employees, franchise owners, and management can air their grievances and sort out small issues themselves (Shaikh, Chai, Gelfand, Yang, & Bernstein, 2024). On an organizational level, this company has laid down policies on how to tackle severe levels of conflict for instance conflict between the franchisee and the firm, or even conflict between the firm and its customers or suppliers. Such measures include; The management helping in mediation sessions on conflict Management training for employees Customers' feedback and employees' feedback (Kilag, et al., 2024). Although there are currently protocols for handling conflicts within the organization, it is evident that they are not effective in offering adequate solutions. The informal methods are primarily based on personal efforts, meaning that there can be unevenness and even some conflict left unsolved (Huang, Guo, Liu, Zhao, & Zhang, 2023). It is crucial to note that the formal rubrics are not necessarily uniformly implemented across various franchises, hence the level of compliance differs. Furthermore, the current system does not promote solutions to avoid escalation of conflicts as these may eventually affect the employees and the customers. The goal is not to prevent conflict altogether, as suppressing it can be damaging. Instead, organizations should aim to prevent conflict escalation by establishing mechanisms for effective expression and handling. This approach encourages constructive dialogue and resolution, fostering a healthier organizational environment and enhancing overall productivity and collaboration. 3.2. Proposed Improvements Smallcakes needs to establish a multifaceted conflict management system that would comprise both proactive and reactive measures. The new framework must clearly outline how conflicts will be identified, evaluated, and managed as well as have a set mediation process that will enhance the level of responsibility and disclosure (Uzougbo, Akagha, Coker, Bakare, & Ijiga, 2023). Training in communication skills or conflicts, as well as sessions on the new proposed framework, should be conducted for the owners and employees of the franchises. It is recommended to hold workshops and teamwork meetings as they will contribute to developing a culture of effective teamwork; evaluating the framework’s effectiveness and revealing the potential corrective measures can be held periodically. The notable outcomes of setting up a more progressive conflict resolution system at Smallcakes include the following. First, it will lead to better relationships between employees and general well-being in the company, which results in low turnover (Kilag, Yamson, Bocao, Cordova Jr, & Sasan, 2023). Second, it will improve customer satisfaction as it will eliminate cases in which disputes with the customers escalate inadequately dealt with or handled unprofessionally. Lastly, an effective conflict resolution system will help strengthen the brand image for its quality and reliability as customers as well as other franchisees will become loyal to the brand. 4. Validation of Conflict Resolution Approach Using TCM Model 4.1. Overview of the TCM Model of Resolution The TCM (Total Conflict Management) Model of Resolution is a model that can be used to prevent, manage, and resolve conflicts that arise in organizations. Key concepts of the TCM model include: Conflict Prevention: It entails looking for early signs of confusion and proposing ways of managing the occurrence of such conflicts (Trapanese, et al., 2023). It focuses on timely communication, the creation of a healthy organizational environment, and the setting of the right expectations. To further enhance this stage, organizations can conduct an issue raised and resolution assessment (triage) by a manager or HR. This proactive approach helps identify potential conflicts early and determines the appropriate course of action for resolution. Conflict Management: This stage ent...
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