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Talent Management Proposal Essay (Essay Sample)

Instructions You have been tasked with preparing a proposal to acquire and/or upgrade your organization’s talent management information system. You will first evaluate your current organization (or one you are interested in working with) and evaluate their current system and/or process to include what works well and areas needing improvement. Using class resources as well as an Internet search, locate a program that you will recommend to meet the needs of your organization and, of course, justify your selection, addressing how it will fit the organization's needs and goals. Make sure you include all, if not most, areas of talent management: talent acquisition, onboarding and integration, performance management, training and development, succession, readings, and retention, and workforce planning. If you do not include all, make sure you provide an explanation as to why. Some things to remember…. Do not forget to incorporate conceptual discussion when appropriate. REMEMBER: This is an assignment about the TECHNOLOGY used in talent management and NOT a talent management program. source..
[Technology used In Talent Management] Student Name Institutional Affiliations Instructor Date Technology used In Talent Management Talent management involves an organization’s processes for recruiting, engaging, developing and retaining of their staff and also planning for the needs of the future workforce. Talent management is crucial towards the creation of cohesion and engagement among employees as well as empowering human resource management via increased insight in data analytics and automation (Wiblen, 2021). Talent management is usually made possible via a talent management system which is a unified software platform that gives support to the core process of managing talents such as planning succession, professional growth, learning, performance management, onboarding and even hiring. Most organizations which are agile in TM, do so by integrating technology into their TM strategies. They use end-to -end TM solutions so as to enhance HR efficiency (Apple Inc, 2020). Technology plays a very central role in optimization of HR critical roles. This proposal thus evaluates and recommends an appropriate TM program for Apple In as my organization of interest taking into considering the company’s areas of improvement. Evaluation of Apple Inc’s Current Talent Management System Apple Inc has positioned itself as a global leader in technology and the application of the same in managing talent across its diverse workforce. Apple uses a lean talent management approach which aids them to improve its productivity. Apple’s Talent management system incorporates systems and technological tools in supporting its major activities including hiring, onboarding, performance management, succession planning, training and development as well as retention processes (Ramaswamy et al., 2022). Apple’s lean approach in talent management entails first the utilization of an advanced applicant tracking system (ATS) in talent acquisition. Apple employs sophisticated ATS technologies for top talent acquisition. The tracking system is designed to streamline the process of recruitment, managing postings on jobs, tracking applications of candidates and also facilitation of data-driven decisions. Apple’s ATS platforms integrates machine learning and artificial intelligence for super-enhancement of candidates sourcing and selection. These ATS integrates with HR systems such as learning management for training and onboarding as well as performance management for the transfer of employee data in a seamless manner as well as talent pipeline management (Vaiman et al., 2019). Secondly the use of Machine learning and Data analytics is utilized in Apple Inc for making hiring decisions which are data-driven. The most key notable tool here is the Apple’s ‘Core ML’ which is a platform which facilitates the deployment of models of machine learning across different products such as iPad, Mac, iPhone etc. It aids in talent acquisition through analysis of applicant data and identifying the data that flows with their successful hires. Data analytics tools like PowerBI and Tableau are used in analysis of talent related data. Thirdly, Apple integrates the use of robust onboarding and integration system which is inclusive of technology-based tools and platforms which aids a seamless onboarding experience. Such tools and platforms include the use of LMS for delivering online development and raining programs for employees, Intranet portals which serves as a centralized information hub with employee directories and onboarding materials, Video conferencing tools like Webex and Zoom are used to conduct virtual onboarding and integration sessions. To a large extent Apple also utilizes AI as a technology in talent management. AI algorithms analyzes huge data of applicants’ data such as application forms, resumes, cover letters in identifying top candidates (Bhattacharya, 2021). AI also aids in performance management as well as talent development and succession planning. Whereas Apple is doing well in terms of technology utilization in talent management, there are areas which need improvement. One such area is ensuring the synchronization and integration of different talent management systems and platforms. While Apple uses technology in managing its talents, seamless integration of systems is needed so as to offer a seamless holistic view of the employee data for effective decision-making. Again, Apple needs to leverage technology e.g augmented reality and virtual reality so as to create immersive and engaging training experiences. In the area of succession planning, Apple has a strong talent pipeline but it needs to adopt technology tools for succession planning for advanced systematic approaches in identification of high-potential employees for the major and key positions in leadership. Such tools will help to identify skill gaps, and create targeted development plans for leaders. Recommended Program for Apple Talent Management With the current need for improvement at Apple Inc in the area of talent management, I recommend the adoption and implementation of the Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management (HCM) program as an intensive TM system. The Oracle Cloud HCM program enable Human Resource personnel to deliver end to end solutions in managing every single stage of the lifecycle of an employee right from talent attraction, screening, hiring, onboarding, managing time, pay roll, benefits, performance and talent reviews for optimization of work flows (Sullivan, 2011). The Oracle Cloud program comes with a number of functionalities and features which are in alignment with Apple’s needs across all areas of managing talent. Apple needs an HCM cloud with built-in AI-approach which will be a super model for aiding the executives and others in making smarter and faster decisions in regard to management of talent. HCM cloud integrates very well with different module, customer experience, supply chain and financials and it contains Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) extensibility. This program will be useful through every area of Apple’s talent management (Oracle, n.d). First in the area of talent acquisition, the Oracle Cloud HCM offers an advanced system of tracking and recruitment tools. It aids in streamlining the process of acquiring top talent via automation of job postings, screening of the candidates as well as scheduling of interviews. Again, it offers very robust capabilities on analytics so as to enable the organization to identify the most effective sourcing channels and be able to optimize their strategies on recruitment (Wiblen, 2021). In the area of Onboarding and Integration, the Oracle Cloud gives a seamless experience on onboarding via personalized digitized portals which gives place to new hires so as to access information which is relevant, complete the required forms and easily be able to link up with key stakeholders and mentors. The system helps in integration where it offers access to systems on learning management and platforms for virtual collaboration making sure that there is smooth transition into the organization. In the area of Performance Management, The Oracle Cloud HCM facilitates continuous performance feedback evaluation and setting of goals as well as a user-friendly interface for employees and their managers so as to track performance, give feedback and assess progress as per set objectives and goals. Further, the cloud provides advanced analytics for identifying the highly performing employees as well as areas where improvement is needed (HCLTech, n.d). As it regard the area of Training and Development, the Oracle cloud gives a very robust system on learning capabilities which will allow Apple to track, deliver and design powerful training programs. Oracle supports several formats of learning such as mobile learning, virtual classrooms, and online courses. Again, it gives customized learning maths as well as recommendations on the basis of the employee skills and career objectivity thus ensuring an engaging and well targeted development opportunities (Oracle, n.d). On the basis of Succession, the Oracle Cloud gives a very comprehensive succession and planning functionality which will enable Apple Inc to note the high-potential employees, assess how read...
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