Applications of Differential Calculus in Daily Activities (Essay Sample)
The essay/task was about the application of differential calculus to daily activities. Therefore, the essay examines appplications of differential caculus and therafter gives the conclusion to fulfill the client's requirement.
The essay was from the field of mathematics and was required to be referenced using apa style.
Applications of Differential Calculus in Daily Activities
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Differential calculus is widely used in all spheres of human life. It is for this reason that studying differential calculus is fascinating due to multidimensional usage in the normal day-to-day activities. Therefore, this artifact will revolve around the usage, the role and the reason for Differential Calculus in daily activities.
Firstly, Differential Calculus is applied in Physics particularly in mechanics. It is used to find velocity and acceleration of objects. Given the displacement function, velocity is obtained by finding the derivative of the displacement function with respect to time. Similarly, differentiating the velocity function with respect to time the resultant is the acceleration function. Thus, velocity and acceleration of an object can be obtained at any given time (Khoshaim & Aiadi, 2018).
Secondly, it is used in Biology for studying various populations. It is used to evaluate and determine the progression of predators and prey populations in an ecosystem (Nurwahyu & Tinungki, 2020). Differential Calculus is also used by Biologists to measure the exact growth rate of bacteria when subjected to various varying conditions like temperature.
Thirdly, Differential Calculus is applied in Economics. Economists use it in their business not only to find the right time for purchasing and trading products, but also in determining the number of people purchasing those products (Khoshaim & Aiadi, 2018). Also, Differential Calculus helps them to know the margin value for a given product as well as the necessary instant changes. Thus, it aids Economists’ businesses to grow into superior values.
Fourthly, Differential calculus is applied by Statisticians during research analysis. They use it when evaluating data obtained from a survey and contains numerous questions with different possible answers. According to Nurwahyu and T
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