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Write A Brief Journal About You And Answer The Question: Counselling (Essay Sample)
Write a brief journal about you and answer the question
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Journal Entry
Mental health counseling plays such a critical role in the lives of human beings. Today, it is estimated that out of every 10 deaths around the globe, both from the developed and developing countries, the main cause is related to mental related issues. The economic burden of mental health issue is severe and for the families of the affected individuals, it is very expensive and cannot be managed easily. In the United Sates, the government spends close to $1.8 billion annually on the treatment of mental health related issues. The figures have kept on growing, with the number of deaths equally rising.
Entering into the field of the journal entry is, therefore, one of the most important things that will make me contribute directly towards reducing the effects of mental health in my community and the country at large. As they say, charity begins at home, my family will be the first people who shall gain directly from my degree in mental health, not only through treatment but also through the preventive strategies that will be used on them so as to save them from mental problems.
Experiences usually have a significant impact on the personal thoughts and development of a counselor, and it is likely to affect the process of decision-making when dealing with a client, however, it is advisable to detach from such decisions as explained by Pieterse, Lee, Ritmeester, & Collins (2013). In that respect, personal experiences, are likely to dominate the point of reference in the professional life of a counselor. Importantly, this program is to equip me with the best training required to serve the community and be part of a solution to the growing mental health problem globally.
Discussion 1
Wellness is one of the critical factors that must be considered by a counselor to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a positive career. Engaging the clients might sometimes prove to be challenging due to the effects it leaves on the counselor, as explained by Richards, Campenni, & Muse-Burke (2010), it is important that a counselor overcomes such effect by cleansing themselves and making their lives free from stress. Among the important and relevant strategies that can be implemented by a counselor is maintaining boundaries and shedding your day.
It is critically important for a counselor to learn the art of shedding off the day. As a counselor, this is one of the strategies that I have ever used in managing the stress associated with counseling. From a persona point of view, keeping physically fit and resting are among the things I enjoy doing and after a long day of work, I find it relevant to go to the Gym, do some kickboxing and rest. Richards, Campenni, & Muse-Burke (2010) explains that doing what you like the most after attending to the clients is one of the ways a counselor can use to reduce the impact of nasty client experience, one has had during the day. Personally, I find the theory relevant and by going to the gym 4 times a week, I feel relaxed and rest so as to be prepared for the duties of the days that follow.
The another strategy that I use to manage stress is distinguishing roles and Saying nowhere is appropriate. Richards, Campenni, & Muse-Burke (2010) as well believes that the secret of successful counseling is when a counselor maintains boundaries, between the issues of work, their personal life, and the family. When this is done, they get to go far.
Discussion 2
Title of the article
The Universal Significance of Maslow’s Concept of Self-Actualization / COMMENTARY
Impression of the Selected Peer Reviewed Journal Article
Generally, the selected peer review looks to be composed, well researched with related facts supporting the argument of the author being well articulated. The author of the article has ensured that by a simple reading of the article, the reader gets a clue and a simple understanding of what the article is about, and the aim it wants to achieve.
Articles Purpose, Intended Audience, and Evidence
The purpose of this article is to explain the relevance of Maslow's theory of motivation on human beings. Specifically, the articl...
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