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Effects of Digital Technology on Cognitive Development among Adults (Essay Sample)
the TASk was to discuss the impact of digital technology on the cognitive development of a specified age group. in this article, the impact is discussed on young adults who are mostly college students.
Effects of Digital Technology on Cognitive Development among Adults
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Effects of digital technology on cognitive development among adults
In the wake of the 21st century, technology has become very much integrated with day to day activities of mankind due to the introduction of digital devices such as laptops, iPods, mp3 players, computers, cell phones, and portable internet. One of the groups that are actively engaged in the digital use mostly is the adults. They use textism, YouTube, Facebook and play online games among other online activities. There is a greater concern by the society on how this internet use could affect the cognitive development of these adults. Most adults are able to multitask when using internet by doing other activities like household chores, physical activities and watching television. They are able to even socialize with online friends and offline friends at the same time. This continued use of digital technology may have an effect on the cognitive development of this adults. It affects areas like memory retention, attention, language use, perception, problem-solving, creativity, and thinking.
Effect of digital technology on the memory of adults
One of the most remarkable digital technologies of the century is the search engines like Yahoo and Google. A person is able to access information on almost anything through this search engines. Having access to external memory has changed significantly how adults retain the memory of information. They do not mostly remember all the information but rather they remember specific information and where to get it. This is an adaption to the present environment where there is a lot of information which is inaccurate. Remembering how to get specific information is more important than the specific part of the information to the adults. A search of information on the internet also increases one's confidence in his or her stored memory (Mill, 2016).
Effect of digital technology on the thinking of adults
One of the assumptions made over the use of the internet is that it makes one have shallow thinking since one is able to access limitless information instantly which makes a person lose the desire to engage in cognitively effortful processes. Research has revealed that an undergraduate is able to answer a question critically if the student gets an answer from one of their intense networks but cannot think critically when they had no hint. This shows that adults who have much networking like the internet cannot adopt an analytical thinking to arrive at a solution when the solution is easily available (Mill, 2016).
Effect of digital technology on the language use of adults
Adults are able to adhere both to the conversational language and chat room languages. Most chat rooms develop their own dial...
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