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Survey and Interview questions (Essay Sample)

Please generate 15 questions. 10 for a survey and 5 interview questions that will support your research proposal. Give a heading for the 10 survey questions as well as the 5 interview questions. These must be open ended questions. *Writer, I added the research proposal* Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) among Patients Exposed to Illicit and Fentanyl Drug abuse is one of the significant challenges affecting communities worldwide. The issue has gained traction over the years, advancing its basis by introducing new drugs and substances to offer varieties to the growing consumer base. The drug abuse spectrum has advanced to include the abuse of prescription drugs. In other words, the abuse of prescription drugs is increasingly on the rise, with young adults aged between 18 and 25 years identified as the biggest abusers (National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), n.d.). Opioid pain relievers, anti- anxiety drugs, and ADHD stimulants are some of the highly abused prescription drugs by the earlier mentioned social group. Usually, reasons or motivation for drug abuse varies significantly across the social group, with a considerable number indulging for the mere reason to get high or feel relaxed. The continued abuse of prescription drugs has exposed young adults to drastic effects and even death. In 2014, for instance, over 1700 young adults succumbed to the abuse of prescription drugs, especially opioids (NIDA, n.d.). The growing number of abusers translates to a proportional growth in the number of addicts, a concern that has prompted the establishment of practical solutions such as medication-assisted treatment (MAT). The latter is acknowledged as the use of medication in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies to provide a holistic treatment approach to individuals diagnosed with substance use disorder (DEA, n.d.). Medication-assisted treatment has proved to be a practical treatment approach for it facilitates a safe withdrawal achieved by controlling substance cravings while relieving symptoms. Also, MAT considerably reduces the possibility of an overdose by decreasing the consumption of illegal drugs and substances. More importantly, MAT is an effective whole- MEDICATION ASSISTED TREATMENT (MAT) 3 process treatment approach for its ability to increase retention in treatment by applying safe, controlled medications. Other than opioids, research indicates a growing consumption and abuse of Fentanyl, a prescription drug used to relieve pain in patients diagnosed with terminal conditions such as cancer. The ever-increasing fentanyl preference is attributed to its intense nature, considering that it is 100 times more potent than opioids (DEA, n.d.). Fentanyl abuse is diverted into several forms as it is added to heroin and cocaine to increase its potency or even disguise it as high potency heroin or cocaine. Concealing the drug as heroin or cocaine means that users purchase and consume Fentanyl unaware, posing a significant risk in the event of an overdose (DEA, n.d.). Fentanyl use affects a person’s body by introducing an intense short-term feeling of euphoria, relaxation, sedation, urinary retention, and respiration depression, to name a few (DEA, n.d.). The Purpose of the Research The research project will explore Medication-Assisted Treatment amongst patients exposed to illicit and Fentanyl, focusing on its application and effectiveness in lowering the number of individuals exposed to illegal drugs and Fentanyl. The need to explore this topic is fueled by the growing drug use and abuse, prompting drug peddlers and cartels to add Fentanyl to hard drugs such as heroin and cocaine, exposing a considerable number to fatal risks and even untimely deaths (DEA, n.d.). This is an urgent call to action because, in 2014, the number of deaths resulting from the abuse of prescription drugs such as Fentanyl was more than that of heroin and cocaine combined. In the same year, the number of people in need of emergency services was high for cases attributed to abuse of prescription drugs (DEA, n.d.). MEDICATION ASSISTED TREATMENT (MAT) 4 Review of Literature According to PEW (2022), the increased opioid abuse calls for a robust course of action to lower the growing numbers while establishing a long-term solution. This is because three lives are lost to opioid abuse every hour, threatening population growth since a majority of deaths affect young adults. Realizing the dangers involved in opioid abuse, Medication Assisted Treatment was found. MAT is used as an intervention suitable for addressing opioid use disorder by utilizing a combination of Food and Drug Administration-approved medication and psychosocial therapy (PEW, 2022). The continued use of MAT has proved effective in addressing opioid disorder cases compared to behavioral interventions. Unfortunately, while MAT is an effective intervention for helping those diagnosed with opioid use disorders and other drug and substance abuse, it is not readily available for those in need due to inadequate funding from the government and stakeholders involved (PEW, 2022). Also, the growing number of individuals diagnosed with opioid use disorder is fueled by the fact that there is a limited number of qualified professionals to deliver the recommended therapies. Typically, MAT differs across the board depending on the adversity of a person’s condition. Also, the intervention varies considerably because of the varying consumption of opioids (PEW, 2022). In other words, prior to implementing a practical medication-assisted treatment plan, a qualified and highly competent medical practitioner assesses and evaluates a patient’s condition by engaging the patient for a detailed report (PEW, 2022). Upon understanding the adversity of the situation and the patient’s drug of choice, the practitioner formulates a customized intervention to meet the patient’s needs. Medication-Assisted Treatment is a successful intervention because of the dual approach to a patient’s condition (PEW, 2022). A MEDICATION ASSISTED TREATMENT (MAT) 5 well-thought and systematic MAT implementation save lives while increasing a person’s survival chances by remaining in the treatment plan to learn the dangers of drug abuse while creating new networks to aid in their long-term recovery. The embracement and utilization of psychosocial treatment intervention are instrumental in MAT’s overall success rate. Patients under psychosocial treatment have better outcomes than patients who do not (PEW, 2022). Some of the benefits of psychosocial treatment include modifying a patient’s underlying behaviors that lead to misuse of Fentanyl and other opioids. Also, psychosocial treatment offers patients a supportive environment and therapy where they can share their underlying issues and factors contributing to their drug abuse (PEW, 2022). Ultimately, the use of FDA-approved medication assures the victim that the drug is tested and suitable for facilitating their recovery path. This source will be useful in the research project because it offers an insightful understanding of how medication-assisted treatment is designed and structured to address diverse issues and addictions. Also, the source helps the reader understand MAT’s success rate by breaking down how it works upon implementation. The article also highlights some commonly used FDA-approved medications used in a patient’s recovery process. The Food and Drug Administration (2019), MAT is an effective treatment intervention whose embracement and utilization has aided in sustaining recovery for a patient diagnosed with opioid use such as Fentanyl among other prescription and illicit drugs (FDA, 2019). Despite MAT’s success rate, more needs to be done, considering that quite a significant number of opioid addicts are shy to seek MAT intervention due to the stigma associated with the drugs used to treat opioid use disorder (FDA, 2019). In other words, there is a stigma gap that is derailing the effectiveness of MAT, an issue that can be solved by advancing the adoption of medical MEDICATION ASSISTED TREATMENT (MAT) 6 therapies to handle opioid use disorder cases. The article also stated that MAT’s success rate depended on its implementation and, more importantly, establishing a suitable treatment path by sampling and testing each of the three approved drugs on clients. The three FDA-approved drugs for treating opioid use disorder include methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone. While the three medications are safe and effective, they should be individually tested in the treatment approach to establish their suitability. This article will be important in the research project because it brings a different perspective of Medication Assisted Treatment, highlighting factors limiting its embracement despite its impressive success rate. The article will also be helpful because it has crucial details that will help answer the research question. Simply put, this article will guide the research project, making it subject-specific. The article Fentanyl Addiction started by introducing the reader to Fentanyl as a potent narcotic opioid drug initially developed to treat or manage moderate or severe pain in patients, especially those diagnosed with terminal conditions (America Addiction Centers, 2022). The article also familiarizes the reader with the available Fentanyl varieties, justifying the increasingly growing addiction in the United States (America Addiction Centers, 2022). The article will be instrumental in the research project because it offers relevant statistics indicating the trends in opioid abuse across the United States and the number of people who actually sought treatment in the documented years. For a detailed understanding, the article's authors are sure to familiarize the reader with the drug’s brief history and the various trends and factors contributing to its abuse. For instance, Fentanyl comes as a powder, has made it possible for peddlers and cartels to mix it with other illicit drugs and substances such as heroin and cocaine, exposing drug users to its risks. More MEDICATION ASSISTED TREATMENT (MAT) 7 importantly, the article highlights some of the risks involved when abusing Fentanyl, the notable signs of a growing addiction, and the available ways of managing or fully recovering from an addiction. Methodology The research project will use qualitative analysis to collect and analyze the relevant information. Specifically, the research project will use questionnaires as the primary way of collecting data from participants. The questionnaires will have a set of guiding questions that participants will be required to fill. Ideally, qualitative research is influenced by the need to gain a detailed understanding of the subject topic through data collection and analysis rather than deducing conclusions from generalized theoretical work. In other words, qualitative research will focus on collecting data from a comprehensive sample providing an explicit understanding of the structure, order, and patterns found among the participants. Qualitative research is also influenced by the fact that the methodology does not impose generalized ideologies or manipulate variables. Instead, qualitative research allows the collected information to guide all conclusions and meanings extracted from the collected data. This means that the qualitative research is highly flexible, implying it can adjust accordingly to the setting as the research process progresses. The choice of qualitative research is principally influenced by the fact that the methodology aims at providing the analysis with raw first-hand data acquired through a trustworthy process and observation. Simply put, qualitative research aims at understanding how participants derive their meaning and how their surroundings dictate or contribute to their actions. The primary subject in the research project will be to examine the usefulness of medication-assisted treatment among patients exposed to illicit drugs and Fentanyl. MEDICATION ASSISTED TREATMENT (MAT) 8 In other words, the independent variable will be the assessment and evaluation of MAT and its effectiveness in managing opioid use disorder. On the other hand, the dependent variables will be the responses gathered from individuals diagnosed with an addiction to other illicit drugs and substances and those diagnosed with Fentanyl abuse. The research project will seek to understand how MAT is resolving the rampant and ever-growing issues of opioid abuse in the United States through data collection. Also, the research will seek to understand how MAT is implemented in areas with a high number of opioid abusers to help manage or recover from the addiction. To establish MAT’s effectiveness in managing opioid abuse cases, the research project, through questionnaires, will seek to determine the number of people affected by illicit drugs and those abusing Fentanyl and other opioids. In each category, the research will also try to establish the period through which individuals have abused their drug of choice and its effects on their health and day-to-day activities. Considering cases of opioid abuse have quadrupled since the latter part of the twentieth century, the research will also seek to understand the trends in communities across different parts of the country, especially those with a large number of drug users. Also, the qualitative research will focus on establishing the number of individuals who have succumbed to an overdose of illicit drugs and substances and prescription drugs such as Fentanyl, among other opioids. Upon gathering the relevant data, the analysis part will play an instrumental role in establishing the effectiveness of MAT and its role in reducing the number of addicts or untimely deaths due to drug overdose. Overall, qualitative research will be an integral part of the research process to give the research a personal feel since data is collected directly MEDICATION ASSISTED TREATMENT (MAT) 9 from participants, allowing them to share their insights while responding to the already structured questions provided in the questionnaire. Limitation of the Study As mentioned earlier, this study will utilize qualitative research to gather the relevant information to establish the role of MAT in individuals exposed to illicit and prescription drugs such as Fentanyl. The use of qualitative research has several limitations, including that the process is lengthy and time-consuming. Also, the process is labor extensive, not to mention that the research technique is not statistically represented. Since the research is topic-specific, the study will target specific individuals such as victims of drugs abuse or close relatives who understand the topic. In other words, the analysis requires specificity to ensure that the data gathered is relevant and helpful, an aspect that makes the research process quite challenging. Significance of the Study Societies worldwide are battling an increase in drug abuse and addiction. The abuse of drugs has advanced over the years to accommodate prescription drugs such as opioids. The growing trend of drug abuse and addiction has negatively affected the social, economic, and health welfare of societies across the globe. Therefore, the research project on medically assisted treatment among patients exposed to illicit drugs and Fentanyl is vital because it offers an understanding of the severity of the situation. Also, the study is relevant in that it helps identify the existing gaps in society, prompting or facilitating the abuse of and addiction to illicit and prescription drugs. By understanding the situation on the ground, it will be easy and convenient to recommend practical solutions that promote medication-assisted treatment to reduce or maintain the number of drug abusers and addicts. The research will also assess medication- assisted treatment's effectiveness while recommending adjustments to the intervention based on MEDICATION ASSISTED TREATMENT (MAT) 10 its approval rate and thoroughness in helping addicts sustain their drug use or recover fully from the addiction. Overall, this study will act as a framework upon which measures to combat opioid abuse will be deduced and implemented through interventions such as MAT. source..
Medication-Assisted Treatment Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor’s Name Assignment Due Date Medication-Assisted Treatment Survey Questions 1 How do you think Medication-Assisted treatment works for individuals with drug dependence, including those addicted to opioids and prescription drugs such as Fentanyl? 2 What are some of the leading contributing factors towards drug addiction and dependence that prompt the intervention of Medication-Assisted Treatment? 3 Who might you consider to be the most vulnerable population in regards to drug and substance abuse and medication-assisted treatment? How do they show differences compared to the rest of the people? 4 What are some of the barriers to implementing Medication-Assisted Treatment for substance use disorders? What do you think are some of the measures meant to mitigate such obstacles? 5 Tell me more about the regulation and policies surrounding Medication-Assisted Treatment. Do you think these policies are effective in the country and how do they compare to others from varying nations across the globe? If so, what are the implications of policymaking in healthcare surrounding the management of drug and substance abuse? 6 What do you think about the individuals with substance use disorders and the intervention of Medication-Assisted Treatment? Tell me more about the relationship between the two and the efficacy of the intervention to a population you consider the most impacted. 7 What is the efficiency of Medication-Assisted Treatment in terms of healthcare costs? Describe and explain the economic costs involved in substance abuse treatment and the financial outcomes. What do you consider the most efficient level of intervention mechanism? 8 What are some of the most efficient Medication-Assisted Treatment techniques besides the FDA-approved drugs such as methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone? What do you think about the approval of drugs to be used in Medication-Assisted Treatment for individuals with drug dependency or substance abuse? 9 Which forms of measurement can be implemented to determine the level of efficiency of the results for Medication-Assisted Treatment? When and how can you measure the efficiency of the intervention technique on individuals with drug and substance use disorders? 10 How can Medication-Assisted Treatment be implemented to help improve public health status for individuals suffering from drug and substance abuse and misuse? Tell me more about the interventions that could be made by the community in regards to Medication-Assisted Treatment beyond the hospital setting. Interview Questions 1 What is Medication-Assisted Treatment, and where...
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