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The Effect of Caffeine to Cognitive Functions (Essay Sample)


You need to complete a 2-page (600 words) persuasive essay on the topic 'Effect of caffeine on cognitive functions' answering the question whether caffeine can be considered as an enhancer or, on the contrary, as hazardous to people's health.


Effect of Caffeine on Cognitive Functions
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Effect of Caffeine on Cognitive Functions
Does using caffeine enhance people’s cognitive functions or not? Currently, this remains a sixty-four-thousand-dollar question worth heated discussions on several platforms. Well, although the answer to this question is as simple as saying yes or no, it varies depending on what people know about caffeine. However, considering the facts available, the substance has several positive impacts that persuade its consumers to use it. The effect of caffeine on keeping people alert is one factor contributing to its popularity. Surprisingly, even when some individuals associate the use of caffeine to crime, it is a cure to several illnesses. Besides, its remarkable effect on the memory of people reinforces its relevance in the world. Caffeine’s ability to cure, make people alert, and boost their minds places it in the position of an enhancer that masses cherish.
For health purposes, caffeine manifests significant in curing several diseases. According to Larsson & Orsini (2018), the substance safeguards consumers from neurodegenerative sicknesses, like Alzheimer. Besides, caffeine is an excellent reliever of headaches and other pains that come with fatigue, depression, and stress. Furthermore, an individual's risk of suffering from Parkinson's disease is exceptionally minimal, mainly if he uses caffeine appropriately. As per doctor's recommendation, the consumption of a daily 200mg package of caffeine is healthy for the body. Upon the consumption of this substance, people can sustain their anger and stay calm and polite. In other words, it helps to regulate the moods of people to remain harmless to the community. Based on the above discussion, indeed, caffeine is an enhancer, not a hazardous substance.
Alertness and Concentration
Caffeine is one substance that is medically proven to keep people alert always. In their discussion, Cappepelletti, Aromatario, Sani & Daria (2015) disclose that appropriate use of caffeine helps its users to remain vigilant and focused at all times. Once it is consumed, the user is guaranteed maximum concentration and increased reaction time. For this ability, employees who need consistent alertness need this substance. For instance, a security guard taking a cup of coffee would allow him to stay awake throughout the night. Similarly, caffeine is the best vaccine for fatigued employees who work in busy places like aviation companies and factories. It allows workers to execute their duties without complaints of exhaustion. To this end, it is worth considering caffeine as an enhancer.
Memory Booster
The positive impact of caffeine on people's memories is unquestionable, especially amongst learners. Appropriate consumption of this product quickens the processes of comprehending and interpreting information among students. Besides, users can develop a strong memory that allows them to remember any aspects of the past (Buye, 2019). Furthermore, caffeine boosts the energy levels of consumers, and this has a significant ignition on the mental performance of users. Consumers take less time to reason and decide on any issues. Typically, this is because prolonged use of the substance consolidates their memories. Moreover, it is always easier for caffeine users to multitask after ingesting the substance. Thus, caffeine not only gives people confidence but also vigor to accomplish any responsibilities.
Caffeine helps to keep people alert, vigilant, and focused at all times. It increases

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