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Theoretical Orientation Reflection (Essay Sample)

This sample was a theoretical orientation reflection paper discussing the author's personal views and beliefs about human nature and how they align with different counseling theories and approaches. It explored the author's affinity for Adlerian therapy, multicultural therapy, and integrative therapy based on their emphasis on social interest, cultural context, and holistic perspectives, respectively. It also highlighted the author's disagreement with reality therapy's focus on the present moment without considering past experiences. The paper aimed to provide a reflection on the author's theoretical orientation and its implications for their counseling practice. source..
Theoretical Orientation Reflection Name Institution Affiliated Course Professor Date Theoretical Orientation Reflection The theoretical orientation framework determines counselors' views of issues regarding psychological distress in a person. Factors such as schooling, training, and personal taboos affect it as they influence the way customers behave and feel and help them match the appropriate response mechanisms. The approach of the psychotherapist is crucial to successful counseling since its principles determine the dynamics of the therapeutic process and provide the clients with what they need and want. The theoretical orientations are guiding tools that assist counselors in the complex exploration of the human inner world. Counselors obtain the information relevant to their orientation through self-reflection and self-evaluation, and through this self-awareness, they raise their level of adequacy with the theory they favor and increase their competence and compassion. Adlerian therapy outstandingly meets my point of view, which points out the bright side of the person and their inherent social side. This theory is appealing and seems compatible with me since it sees gratitude and support as some of the significant aspects to be kept in mind when counseling. Adlerian practice works with a person's expression of a search for meaning and belonging, viewing behavior as goal-driven and purposeful (Irvine et al., 2021). This conceptualization of the person provides me with an image of the basic good of people and their ability to develop and become what they are meant to be. The underpinning of social interest and sociability in Adlerian therapy is in line with my belief in individuals being inherently related and connected. Multicultural therapy emphasizes the impact of culture on the challenges and experiences of clients. This approach entails culture and methods for addressing systemic issues, which is one of the beliefs that look at individuals in the context of their society and culture (Vasquez & Johnson, 2022). I put my view of human nature into practice, expressing the individual's cultural background as the main factor that determines our experiences and behaviors. Such an approach is based on my values that multicultural therapy's social justice and advocacy paradigm is progressive. I will thus advocate for inclusivity, and I will address the systemic discrimination in counseling. Integrative therapy is a therapeutic model that encompasses an individual's experiences, taking affective, behavioral, cognitive, and social dimensions into account. This holistic perspective resonates with my opinion that behavior and psychology are each integral systems. By drawing on the mutual dependence among different aspects of the human experience, integrative therapy offers a basis for understanding and providing treatment for the clients' issues (Sun et al., 2023). The flexibility and personalized therapeutic strategy also enhance my conviction that human nature is fluid and complex. Integrative therapy's therapy technique and modality fit my belief that counseling is a collaborative process where therapists try to understand the clients better and meet their needs and preferences. Reality therapy is not about past experiences but rather about current issues, which is different from my definition of behavior analysis through history to understand present behaviors. I selected this theory wrongly, as the underlying difference in approach between the theory and my approach lies in the question of whether human nature is what we think of it as. Both reality therapy and I consider the opportunities for present-action decisions and taking present-moment responsibility to be the most decisive; however, past experiences have a considerable influence on shaping personal character and emotions. Therapists also have a better understanding of their clients by knowing their past experiences and the underlying reasons that caused the change (Patkar, 2021). This knowledge is important for the therapists to bring positive changes to the clients' present lives. My standpoint on human nature is how our past experiences and falls influence our behavior and feelings at the current time. I believe that people have inherent goodness in them that coexists with my knowledge that such tragic events leave their traces on the lives of those affected. Whether I am already working with clients or not, this approach decisively drives the selection of counseling techniques I apply, such as exploring people’s histories and solving complicated issues. Counselors are aware that the past has a reflection on present ac...
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