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Philosophy: Ancient Civilization in Darwinism Period (Essay Sample)


Topic: Darwin
Order code: 81842830
Time remaining: 0 days 5 hours 00 minutes
Pages: 4, Double spaced
Sources: 1
Order type: Essay
Subject: Philosophy
Academic level: Master
Style: APA
Language: English (U.S.)
Order Description
Darwin--a moderately devout man himself, although increasingly doubtful as he grew older- -well knew that Origin of Species would be attacked upon various grounds, especially for its supposed impiety. In what ways do you see Darwin anticipating a less than receptive audience, an audience that will feel its traditional beliefs are being challenged? You might consider not only the sequence of chapters (why does he begin with domestic or artificial selection?), but also specific passages (e.g., the famous "Tree of Life" passage on page 74 or the concluding passage on pages 120-121). How do you account for Darwin's fairly frequent recourse to adjectives such as "wonderful" or "beautiful" when speaking of adaptations? Do not simply answer these questions one after another; I’m offering them as brainstorming tools to help you get ideas, not as paint-by-numbers questions that you “fill in” in your actual paper. You need to devise your own thesis about Darwin’s book (not just Darwin himself or evolutionary theory), and select suitable quotes. Ideally, your paper should show that you understand 1) the relationship of Darwin's theory to the intellectual currents of the historical period in which he was writing (read the lecture notes!), 2) Darwin's basic argument in his book, and 3) the strategic or rhetorical ways in which he conveys his argument in his book. Again, do not just mechanically “answer” the previous 1,2,3: the basic goal is to show you understand how Darwin’s specific book—the content of the treatise and the way he presents that content--relates to and responds to its intellectual/cultural context.
Again, ponder stages of analysis, including historical context. Your paper might not even begin talking about Darwin or his book per se (except for your intro., until page three or so).


Philosophy is a discipline that uses reasoning to acquire knowledge rather than through experience and evolution is the gradual change that occurs in a pattern in an advanced form. This study explains the work of Darwin about species, their origin, and survival adversely. It was based on observation and study that the species were changing in the pattern, thereby the term evolution. However, his study is criticized by views that there was a lack of recognition in secrecy. This seemed to be completely unethical religiously to the communities existing as the reasoned that he did not respect their views and beliefs. Darwin used the process of insemination to explain how specific traits could result in evolution.
Ancient civilization in Darwinism period
The civilization entails economic, political, sociological, historical and scientific aspects, which any given society composes of for independent and proper running of the resources in that certain society and its development. The uses of advanced modern technology adversely affect how the people think and do activities thus affecting the ways of the society wholly.Regardless of the scientific knowledge being proven to ease the workloads, there are always critics as there is a conservatism that still adheres to the old ways of thinking and doing things. Religiously, the faith and existence of sacred beings are challenged. Scientifically, ancient philosophers are disowned and economically, advanced science improves standards either personally or nationally.
An invention, in one way or another, leads to conflicts and threats as the world is survival thus a philosopher would go against another either seeking to instill truthful knowledge or for self-gains. This happens in order to create a balance between the population and nature. Threats formed tend to affect political stability and self-maintenance.
Modernism in relation to Darwin’s theory
Darwin’s theory led to the creation of elements from other through nuclear reactions. The science of transmutation of species led to conflict with the church as it taught that all human beings were unique, ignoring Darwin’s theory that human beings had heredity traits and were linked to animals. There were arguments that species evolved through the impact of laws of nature. Due to the dispute over the origin of human species, there arose organizations such as the British Association for the Advancement of Science, which held meetings in order to debate which source of the origin was more equipped.
Politically, he objected some ideas such as unethical business practices and oppression and aggression by the men of law and order, especially the military people. He reasoned that all human beings had a common origin thus were supposed to share and practice moral responsibilities. Religiously, the church did not support him as he claimed common ancestry with animals, whereas according to church; animals were considered beings that lack soul and moral qualities. In the modern world, the theory helps in explaining how living things adapt to their habitations.
Basic arguments in Evolutionary Theory
According to Charles Darwin, living species reproduce in order to generate future generations and to increase their chances of survival. Every species is fertile and reproduce their off springs. One of his main ideas was proved that the existing species had not been created in separate ways. As he was already aware that others were knowledgeable about the transmutation of species, he ridiculed in his writings that there existed natural selection caused by the struggle to survive and other factors. Due to the limited resources relied on for survival; some of the species had to die in order to create some balance between the resources and the population. Specific organisms are suitable for specific environments. Failure to that, the probability of surviving and reproducing is liable. However, this theory does not demand that natural selection must occur and if it occurs, it occurs spontaneously (Darwin, 1859).
The other argument was against the existence of an all-powerful being (God).He expressed this by strongly opposing Parleys view that there is a creator or the universe and who watches over it. Secondly, he rejects the book of Genesis in the Bible as history that happened ages ago. Thirdly, he does not believe in Christian miracles while lastly, according to him, natural selection counts for both happiness and misery.
It is factual that evolution is only a theory and not scientific, which makes Darwin’s work is not proven to be true neither is it testable. According to Darwin, the logical form of evolving changes in relation to the conditioned environment, which determines...
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