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Outlined Avenues And Policies Of Improving Child Adoption Rates (Essay Sample)


the task was to identify some ways in which the rate of adopting children can be improved. consequently, this sample has outlined avenues and policies of improving child adoption rates. Some of the policies includes having a comprehensive practice model of child adoption and training child welfares workers with relevant skills as well as focusing on post-adoption services and support such as funding the adoptive families.

Improving Child Adoption Rates Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Improving Child Adoption Rates Providing permanent families for children in foster care has been very challenging. This is because the adoption gap has increased significantly over the years, and often nearly fifty percent of youth adopted "age out" of the child welfare system. Interestingly, an increase in the adoption gap is not due to lack of interest by adoptive families, but rather barriers to adoption. This paper highlights ways of increasing the number of child adoption as well as preventing them from aging out of the child welfare system without a family that cares for them. The rates of child adoption can be increased by putting in place effective and reliable policies with regards to adoption. For instance, having a comprehensive practice model of child adoption and training child welfares workers with relevant skills will ensure the safety of the child and a more nuanced strategy for permanence encouraging more foster families CITATION Ben14 \l 1033 (Kerman & Freundlich, 2014). Ultimately, reducing barriers and restrictions at the level of individual adoptive families will assist in increasing the number of children adopted. Additionally, it’s important to emphasize on post-adoption services and support such as funding the adoptive families. Adequate funding for foster families will help them show enormous love to the children in their care as well as nurture them to higher levels CITATION Gre13 \l 1033 (Wrobel, 2013). Further, with adequate funding, foster families will be able to fund for the behavior and medical services of the child and use some funds for the advocacy of the child in the school system. Consequently, the number of children adopted will increase since they will be more willing adoptive families. In conclusion, the fost...
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