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Aviation Sector and Risk Management Systems in Australia (Essay Sample)


This task was about the security threats facing the Australian aviation sector and strategies for mitigating the security risks. The security threats discussed in the paper included the threat of terrorism in Australian airports and aircraft with the potential to inflict mass damage, use of weapons of opportunity such as knives and glass bottles, MANPADS (Man-portable air defense systems) which pose a danger to Australian aircraft flying over war-tone foreign territories, and drug and human trafficking. The paper outlined a risk management and mitigation strategies for such threats. They include the presence of Australian Border Force at all major airports to prevent security breaches, passenger inspection by airport personnel and biometric systems, management of mentally-ill passengers, and prevention of security threats perpetrated or facilitated by insiders.


Aviation Sector and Risk Management Systems in Australia
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Aviation Sector and Risk Management Systems in Australia
The aviation sector is integral to Australia’s economic and social development. The industry supports over 716,000 jobs directly and indirectly, and contributes significantly to the trade, tourism, and investment sectors. The Australian air transport sector services an estimated 50 million domestic and international passenger movements annually. Maintaining a safe, secure, and efficient air cargo and aviation system is crucial. The national government maintains aviation security in Australia through the Aviation Transport Security Regulations 2005 (ATSR) and the Aviation Transport Security Act 2004 (ATSA). The regulations establish a legal framework for maintaining and enhancing air transport security, in line with the Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) adopted in Annex 17 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention) and enforced by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The ATSR and ATSA supplement efforts by the 155 airports to maintain day-to-day air and on-ground security.

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