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Behavioral Theory (Essay Sample)


Brief information about behavioral theory of leadership, assumption and why selected theory is relevant to nurse leaders.

Behavioral theory
Behavioral theory explains that any living organism response to stimulus. This means that behavior is triggered by something desired. Psychologists suggest that, stimulating information, events or something arouse action. That is why people behave the way they behaving since they have been stimulated by something they wish to achieve. Reinforcement or punishment shapes the human behavior. Behavioral theory of leadership suggests that, leadership is learned but not inherited (Gallagher, 2009 p 123).
Behavioral theory of leadership stresses that leader’ traits and capability are not inborn. It is a matter of learning and practicing in order to be an effective leader. It is all about training to be a desirable person who can lead or give the right instruction on how things should be conducted to enhance the desired outcome. Learning takes places in stages. Therefore, human beings have to take time to analyze detailed information on how to build an effective leader (Gallagher, 2009 p 120).
Assumption about behavioral theory of leadership is that, leaders are made, but not born. This means that, leadership cannot be inherited. It does not mean that if the farther was a good leader, the son will also be a great leader. It is not applied that way. It means that, one can build all the character traits of a good leader. A young person can learn to be a good leader and end up being an effective leader who can lead millions of people in the right way (Shirley, 2013 p207).
Another assumption is that, successful leadership is based in learnable behavior. It is how one understands about the best behavioral practices that will lead to effective leadership style. One effort to know the best quality of a great leader end up being influenced to behave courageously, decisively, patiently and time conscious in all activities he or she takes. Therefore, the leadership traits are built and anyone can build it provided has intrinsic drive that push him or her to this leadership behaviors (Hutto, 2011 p 24).
Selection of this theory is to enhance clear understanding to all people that behavior is stimulated by information, events, position and even by one desire. With this knowledge, individuals will manage to understand how and why living organisms response to stimulus. That way they will get to know that they have much potential and capacity to be an effective leader in their professional work. They get to know how to learn and practice good leadership traits that will enable them possess the right behavior practices that give birth to an effective leader resulting to achievement of the desirable outcomes (Gallagher, 2009 p 122).
Individual will use this knowledge in their professional work. For example, nurses will learn to be honest, fair, courageous, decisive, risk-taker, brave, time conscious and supportive in their health care services. They will manage to control healthy behavior within an organization that lead to...
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