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Community Services Legal and Ethics Research Assignment (Essay Sample)


The role of community and the reporting standards that they are supposed to follow


Community Services Legal and Ethics
[Name of the Writer]
[Name of the Institution]
Community Services Legal and Ethics
Question 1
There are range of policies and legislations that the service providers have to comply with. There are child protection and young Persons Act of 2012 that they have to comply with, and then there is community service Provision guidelines that are an important part of the rules and regulations that they should comply with. At the same time, there are State Records Act of 1998 as well as Work Health and Safety Act of 2011 that should be followed at the extensive level to make sure that this issue is being taken care off. There are Child Safe Standards and program at state level as well.
Question 2
Most of the times, it is the governmental organization that is supposed to make sure that the community services are being offered in the right manner. The key agency and authority in this regard is the Department of Social Justice that is working at the Federal that makes rue that all the guidelines and regulations are being followed. There is also department of human service that make sure that these requirements are taken care off at the appropriate level to ensure better compliance with the range of issues that are faced most of the times.
Question 3
There are quite a few obligations for the community service providers to make sure that they are offering their services to the selected class of people in the right manner. The statutory authorities are particularly active on the cases that are pertaining to the Police Force and Community service and thus it is important to make sure that all these regulations and guidelines are followed. There is also mandatory reporting of making sure that there is no sort of substance abuse going in the community centre as well as making sure that all the determinants of the problem are being looked after.
Question 4
There are many methods through which one can make sure that they have up to date and ready information regarding the way community services are supposed to be provided. There are press releases that are more often than not the policy statements that are coming from the relevant bodies. At the same time, the Department of Social Justice also keeps on updating and providing the information regarding any changed rules and regulations that are supposed to be followed by the relevant authorities. These two are the main information sources for the area of service practice.
Question 5
The key strategy that is needed to be implemented in order to make sure that the people who are the part of the centre have up to date information is to make sure that they are provided with briefings regarding what is going to be acceptable conduct in the facility. The other strategy that can be used is to make sure that some sort of multimedia information exchange service is provided to the people to make sure that the standard practices are being followed by people during the whole time period as well as making sure that they are complying with policies and practice.
Question 6
There are many risks and penalties that the community services provider has to look after. One of the key thing that they have to take care off is to substance abuse practices are not being followed. The other major area where there is potential risk is when there is no compliance with the community service. The child abuse and availability of the relevant medical procedures is also one of the things that is needed to be taken into consideration to make sure better services are provided to the people who are part of the community services. The other major risk is that as the policies and the procedures are changing and continual professional development is needed to be carried out.
Part B
Question 7
The public liability insurance works in the manner that it tends to protect people from any unwanted consequences when the general public has suffered some sort of personal injury or property damage. What it tends to do is that it makes sure that the cost of the subsequent legal expenses are being paid in the appropriate manner as well as making sure that the integral cover is being provided to the businesses that are interacting with the regular level with the businesses across the board. Thus it is an important insurance for companies.
Question 8
There are well defined standards that the organization has to make sure that when they are developing corresponding accreditation and auditing standards for the business. Most of the times, the service standards audit that is carried out by the legal aid goes a long way towards making sure that all the relevant requirement for the people are being taken care off in the appropriate manner. Most of the times, it is being done with the help of NACLC accreditation process and relevant consultation is carried out with all the relevant stakeholders at the given time period.
Question 9
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