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Ethical Dilemma in Sports (Essay Sample)

Please type using APA style. Cite and reference appropriately. Answers to each question should be 300-400 words - Please make sure you cite your text. To receive full credit you must reference the bolded terms from your notes and chapters AND apply them to the question being asked. The bolded terms below are concepts taken from your readings/text. Please demonstrate that you have read them and applied them to your answers. Please talk to a professional or a professor associated with your major (sports management) and identify an ethical dilemma from your field and examine from all 3 ethical theories (deontological, teleological, and existential). Identify a dilemma that you have or could experience yourself. Be sure to refer to the definition of a dilemma distributed earlier and clearly state your ethical issue as a dilemma (a conflict of equally compelling obligations). (I'm a sports management major) 2. Please describe the norms and values associated with your field of study/major and how you have or will be socialized into this field. (sports management major) 3- Please read the following article and discuss why Norway is more successful than the United States at the winter Olympics Norway Youth Sports.pdf Download Norway Youth Sports.pdf Please compare and contrast the two different youth sport development approaches in each country and address the importance of the following issues: Privatization, The Three Models of Organized Youth Sport Models, The Performance Ethic. 4- Please read the following article Football Concussions.pdf Download Football Concussions.pdfand answer the question: "Is it Ethical To Watch Football?" Please draw from the article and the text Consequences of Violence on the Field, Controlling Violence on the Field. 5. Drawing from the following article Transgender Athletes-1.pdf Download Transgender Athletes-1.pdf and the discussion in your text please address the following question: "How can the binary, two-sex category system in sport fairly accommodate transgender and inter-sex athletes?" Please include in your answer the history and use of sex-testing to maintain the two-sex system, intersex and transgender persons in sports source..
Ethical Dilemma in Sports Students Name: Institution: Course Name: Instructor: Due Date: Ethical Dilemma in Sports An ethical dilemma is defined as a situation where a group or individual is faced with a difficult choice between two or more options, with each option having ethical consequences or implications. Ethical dilemmas often arise when there are conflicting ethical values or principles, and it is unclear which of the option is right. In an ethical dilemma (Figar & Dordevic, 2016), the decision-maker is often torn between values, interests, and competing obligations. There may be potential harms and benefits associated with each option, and it is not always clear how to weigh these factors. Such dilemmas can occur in any area of life, including business, education, personal relationships, government, healthcare, and others. For one to resolve ethical dilemmas, one needs to carefully put into consideration the ethical values and principles involved, in addition to an understanding of the potential repercussions of each option. Overall, it is worth noting that ethical decision-making usually involves balancing competing values and interests, as well as choosing the option that is most appropriate to one's ethical values and beliefs (Figar & Dordevic, 2016). This in turn induces the greatest overall good or least overall harm. NO1 According to the definition of what an ethical dilemma is, an example would be deceptive advertising. Here, ethical issues may happen when an advertiser develops an advertisement that includes misleading or false information as a means of increasing sales. While on the contrary, the same advertiser has a responsibility of ensuring that the information they are providing to the consumer is accurate as telling lies to them would be considered immoral (Figar & Dordevic, 2016). But then on the other hand, the advertiser is likely to claim that their goal is to maximize profit and that the consequences of deception are not significant enough to outweigh the financial benefits. This creates a dilemma where the ethical principles of transparency, personal responsibility, and honesty must be balanced against the desire for profit. And so, as an ethical dilemma deception in advertising can be examined in three ethical theories such as deontological, teleological, and existential. Deontological ethics state that an action’s morality is based on whether it aligns with a certain set of moral duties and rules. About deceptive advertising, it is the duty o the advertisers to provide customers with information that is correct and accurate instead of telling them lies by using misleading and false advertisements. Here, this is considered to be a very wrong act as it leads to the violation of transparency and honesty. And then teleological ethics or consequentialism defines a situation where an action’s morality is determined by its consequences or results. In this case, the advertiser will get financial gains just by deceiving the customer which will be considered the consequence or outcome. However, this is looked at as an immoral result because it destroys the trust between the public and the advertiser in addition to causing pain to the customer. Next, existential ethics focuses on how important the aspects of authenticity (Figar & Dordevic, 2016) and personal responsibility are. Concerning deception in advertising, the ethical dilemma lies in the conflict between the advertiser's desire for profit and the responsibility to be authentic and truthful in their communication with consumers. From an existential view, the advertiser must recognize that their choices have consequences and take responsibility for the impact of their actions on others. NO2. Communications as a field encircle a big range of studies including public relations, advertising, journalism, media production, and marketing. The norms and values associated with the communications field may vary depending on the specific area of focus, but some general themes are commonly shared such as collaboration, creativity, communication skills, and adaptability. Collaboration is an essential aspect of the communications field because many businesses need the expertise and input of several people to achieve their goals. Also, creativity has been considered by many as a very valuable factor as far as the communications field is concerned. By innovating and creating new ways of conveying messages and reaching audiences, so many problems will be solved and businesses will prosper too. Regarding communication skills, it is the responsibility of communication professionals to develop effective communication practices (Kameh, et al, 2020) so that they are successful in the communications field. Developing excellent verbal and written communication practices as well as being able to emphatically and actively listen to others is very important in this field. Lastly, adaptability describes how fast the communications field is evolving. In this case, it is the responsibility of the professionals to devise means of adapting and learning the new technologies and skills they need to be successful in the communications field. Further, in regards to being socialized in the communications field, there are several ways that this can be acquired by combining on-job experiences, formal education, and internships. In colleges and universities, communication programs usually give students a foundation in practical skills like writing, multimedia production, communication theory (Kameh, et al, 2020), and research methods. Relatively, a lot of these programs may need one to have hands-on experiences or internships as a way of providing students with real-world experiences and networking opportunities. Additionally, a lot of people in the communications field usually acquire knowledge through on-job experiences which involve working in the company of a more experienced professional as well as college collaborations on projects. Also, organizing professional development programs such as conferences and workshops that keep people updated on what is trending in the communications field. In general, all the norms and values of the communications field assert effective communication, ethical behavior, collaboration, adaptability, and creativity. NO3. According to the article "To Develop Champions, Norway Lets Children Be Children" by Tom Farrey, Norway attributes its success at the Winter Olympics to how approaches youth sports. In Norway, providing children with a non-competitive and supportive environment where children explore their interests and have fun at the same time has been emphasized. As a result, a culture of success and long-lasting participation has been created. In contrast to other countries, the United States inclusive, Norway lacks an extremely competitive youth sports system that forces children to specialize in a single sport at a youthful age. Rather, the country motivates the children to participate in a variety of activities and sports while focusing on having fun and developing their skills, instead of achieving or winning high performance at an early age. The fore mentioned approach is based on the mentality that children who are permitted to be children, and not pushed too hard at a young age, are more likely to continue participating in sports throughout their lives. Making skill development and having fun a priority instead of winning and early specialization has created profoundly talented athletes who are mentally and physically healthy, highly motivated, and well-rounded. Additionally, apart from emphasizing skill development and fun, the sports system of youth in Norway prioritizes community building and collaboration. Instead, of putting athletes against each other in highly competitive environments, Norway's sports associations and clubs (Farrey, 2019) work together to make opportunities for the youth to learn from each other, support each other in their sports and life pursuits and, associate with each other. In general, the production of successful winter Olympians can be associated with the country emphasizing community building, fun, skill development, and collaboration. In other words, Norway has been able to pursue a lifelong culture of sports success and participation by ensuring that young athletes are provided with a supportive and positive environment. The outcomes from this have been international accolades and Olympic medals. Furthermore, it is worth noting that Norway and the United States have different approaches to youth sports development. First and foremost, in Norway (Farrey, 2019), the emphasis is on providing children with a non-competitive, supportive environment where they can have fun and explore their interests. On the contrary, the system in the United States is highly competitive in that children are expected to be enrolled in a single sport at a young age. In regards to privatization, youth sports are usually run and organized by organizations and clubs that are private. With such a system in place, all focus is placed on performance, profit, and winning. On the other hand, the youth sports system in Norway is highly community-based and a public affair that provides children with a more community-oriented and collaborative perspective on sports development. However, according to the three models of organized youth sport, youth sports in the United States (Farrey, 2019) are frequently organized around one of the following models which include the select or travel model, the elite-performance model, and the recreational model. These models maintain intense competition and early specialization, which lead to dropout and burnout among youth athletes. But in Norway, more emphasis is placed on making sure that the young athletes have a supportive and positive environment than prioritizing early specialization. This is done as a way of motivating the athletes to develop the...
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