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Culture and Health:Causes of Health Disparities. Social Sciences Essay (Essay Sample)


The assignment is based on my thoughts and opinions focusing on the section subtitled: "Causes of Health Disparities" so you can really be free with what you want to write as long as its based on what you learn while reading. I will upload pictures of the pages. It is a 1000 word requirement. We are also supposed to use at least 3-4 resources within our paper to support our ideas and our statements.


Causes of Health Disparities
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Causes of Health Disparities
One of the main concerns of most healthcare activists is health disparities and inequality among members of nonprivileged societies. Health disparities occur when certain people receive unequal treatment in the healthcare system due to their socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, or their geographical location. It is essential to point out that health disparity is not a problem that only affects the United States of America but also other countries. According to Mio (2012), health disparities have caused the loss of many lives since patients die as a result of negligence by some doctors or healthcare units. If the issue of healthcare disparities could be taken seriously, then there the gap between the rate of mortality as well as that of life expectancy will reduce significantly. This paper will discuss some of the leading causes of healthcare disparities, especially in the United States.
The average life expectancy age for Latinos and African Americans compared to that of white Americans tells that there is a huge disparity in health. One fails to understand how two people living in the same country would have a different life expectancy. There is a difference of more than 8 years between the two people as far as life expectancy is concerned CITATION Jef12 \l 1033 (Mio, 2012). 

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