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Is Marriage Outdated? (Essay Sample)

The task was a broad and open-ended topic for a discussion about the potic: "Is Marriage Outdated?" This question invites an exploration of the relevance and significance of marriage in contemporary society. the central issue questions whether the institution of marriage, as traditionally understood, is still relevant and appropriate in the modern world. the task required me to consider various perspectives, arguments, and evidence both in favor of and against the idea that marriage may be considered outdated in today's society. The discussion involved examining cultural, social, economic, and legal aspects of marriage to arrive at a well-informed conclusion. source..
Is Marriage Outdated? Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Name Professor’s Name Date Is Marriage Outdated? The concept of marriage is one that children grow up with. According to Kristin Celello, “marriage was once considered the most legitimate way to be in a relationship, to have sex, and to have a family” (as cited in Smith, 2019). Based on biblical teachings and the church, marriage is an institution that should be made to work (Wygant, 2017). Nonetheless, the majority of the time marriages seem to fail since spouses have different perspectives and goals about life. Research shows that currently, only 50% of American residents who have attained the legal age are married, a major decline from 1960 when the figure was 72% (Smith, 2019). The evidence shows that marriage is becoming an outdated institution. The decline in the importance and value that was once placed on the marriage institution has been gradual over the years. Additionally, the mean age for first-time marriages has risen from 23 to 30 and 20 to 28 for men and women respectively, between 1960 and 2019 (Smith, 2019). Moreover, the number of same-sex marriages in the intervening period has also grown exponentially, with the majority of homosexual couples taking advantage of the legal rights accorded by the 2015 supreme court ruling on same-sex marriages (Catron, 2019). Furthermore, previous studies showed that 14% of Americans adults who have never married indicated that they do not have any plans to marry at all, whereas 27% are undecided whether to marry or not (Catron, 2019). Nonetheless, these statistics imply that the institution of marriage is becoming outdated since a significant number of people are not as enthusiastic about getting married as were previous generations. In conclusion, the institution of marriage has lost its preeminence and importance in the modern society since it is becoming outdated. Studies have shown that the number of American adults who are not planning to ever get married has increased significantly over the years. Moreover, the mean age of first-time marriages has also risen gradually for...
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