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Medicare for All (Essay Sample)

The task was to write an essay on the title "Medicare-for-all" which is one of the issues facing our society today. The instruction was to find two articles and incorporate them as sources into the paper with one article containing an argument for the issue, and the other containing an argument that opposes the issue. source..
Medicare for All Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor/Professor Name Due Date Medicare for All  The need to achieve a sustainable healthcare system is a clarion call to every nation. On a daily basis, several lives are lost to preventable sicknesses and diseases. However, in an attempt to tackle this menace, the United States of America came up with a national health insurance scheme under the name, Medicare. Although primarily tailored to provide health insurance for older Americans, age 65 and above, Medicare also extends to younger people with disabilities and severe ailments. However, following Senator Bernie Sanders’ introduction of the Medicare-for-All bill in 2019, the idea of whether or not Medicare should truly be for all has become a tie and a puzzle to solve.       Some set of people clamor for Medicare for All because they believe it implies a universal health system made available to everyone regardless of their age, sex, religion, and financial and economic status. According to Brook (2020), the implementation of Medicare for All would help prevent several individuals from incurring medical debt that plunges over five hundred thousand individuals into bankruptcy every year, and ultimately, it would lead to substantial savings in lives and money. Additionally, it would help create a healthier, more humane, and more efficient healthcare system for all and sundry.   On the other hand,  Herzlinger and Boxer (2019) argued that the state can still control the cost and quality of its healthcare system, however, Medicare for All is not the best choice; the most rational solution is the Public Option which would enable everyone to choose between private insurers and Medicare. In their view, Medicare for All is a system that would eliminate private insurance, and by extension, several individuals working in private insurance companies would lose their jobs, the rate of taxes would increase geometrically, and the incomes of physicians working in the private sector would also be ...
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