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Nationalism and Globalisation (Essay Sample)

Both the pdf document and the picture are required, but the file is more detailed The last file has a simple content of the course, you can see the theme of each lesson The writer chooses the topic by himself, the one that is easy to write, and the one that is easy to score high, you need to tell the students when you choose, and the students provide detailed information HIGH QUALITY GUARANTEED!!! Topic: Nationalism and Globalisation Has the nation become less or more important in globalisation? What is the nexus between the rise of nationalism, gender, development? The expansion and connection of trade, markets, and communications has meant the emergence of both a nationalist and a global identity co-existing. In this class, we will examine two related issues: c. how gender and nationalism are connected and in what ways do they manifest in regulations and policies? d. how do religious and cultural practices of respective countries shape understandings of globalisation, development, and gender. source..
Nationalism and Globalization By (Student's Name) Course Number Professor's Name University Name City and State Date Introduction Globalization and nationalism have become significant factors of one another. For globalization to take place, the idea of nationalism has been of great significance. Nationalism is a thinking way in which some people say they should be free to rule themselves. On the other hand, globalization is the process through which businesses evolve influence on an international basis. Therefore through the way people think about judging themselves, a global power can be attained. By the way, some groups of people consider themselves, resulting from the outside being able to affect them based on gender and development. The paper depicts how some group's perception of nationalism has affected their intentions of attaining globalization by considering how gender and social classes with their effect on the pursuance of international influence are shown in the essay. The essay also signifies how gender and nationalism are connected with how they both manifest in policies and regulations. The paper also explains how cultural and religious practices have affected the understanding of globalization, development, and gender perspective. The importance of the nation in globalization There has been the emergence of people's willingness to move from one place to another in recent years. The movement has been characterized either on a physical basis but also within their thoughts. Through the training, boundaries across nations have affected the idea of people moving. In such movements, the aim of people to make a trade based on the international level has been shown. Displacement has been the critical factor in such activities. Forced migration was part of the intellectual experience for the movement (Liisa Malkki, 1992, pp. 22). In such actions, many nations have been considered to be significant factors for globalization. Through the setting of boundaries, certain groups of people have achieved the idea of globalization, while by others, it has remained an unreceived call. Many years back, displacement could lead to international recognizance of some group of people. The boundaries show a sense of independence among nations which has been impressed by globalization. The role of a country in the global world is regulatory, mainly as the chief factor in global interdependence. The significance of globalization and nationalism is based on building modern societies as well as nation-states. The interdependence nature of nations has affected the role played by the two. Nationalism has had many setbacks for its survival in the modern world. There are also some arguments that nationalism has benefited a lot from globalization in setting their agendas. As globalization will facilitate communication and the removal of trade barriers among countries, nationalism is a significant facet of the idea (Altbach and de Wit, 2017). In modern society, the globalization agenda has been attainable due to technology. With the advancement in the technology sector through communication and online trading, many institutions have achieved what they intended. Many people have argued that globalization removes the heritage and culture of various ethnic groups around the world. In such ethnic groups, globalization has been a nightmare, but it will continue for many years. Globalization effects have been seen in various perspectives, including how nationalists decide to abandon their culture and do activities inherited from other cultures. For instance, almost everywhere globally, youths wear Adidas, which is an Americanized shoe fashion. Therefore, globalization has played a significant role in making sure that nationalism is somehow affected. On the other hand, globalization dominance has been fought by some national groups in their belief that the idea introduces evil impacts to their society. The concept of the connection of the whole world to a single place is not received well by such groups. Nationalist group's perception of the entire globalization idea is that some nations are trying to run the whole world. The reason is that some various products which are being known globally have originated from the same countries ay America. Therefore some countries with diplomatic problems have been unable to accept such products and brands from operating in their countries. For instance, such nations think of their self-independence whereby they believe the production of products locally will help boost the economy. They think that the American products will only benefit the Americans but not for their nation. Therefore some thoughts of nationalism have made globalization not attainable in their societies.  The connection between gender, development, and nationalism The learning on gender and nationalism has explored the effects of gender in the development of nationalism. Gender and nationalism are phenomena whereby the nation's concepts, including sovereignty, arise concerning gender character. The ideas different countries have towards gender, including gender-based rights, have affected nationalism and globalization in general. In specific concepts, different varieties of nationalism, sexuality, and gender involve nationalism development. Other systems of gender invoke the support of nationalists through various methods (Dwyer, L. 1999). For instance, if in specific communities nationhood is determined as necessary and inevitable, then the state's identity is said to be gender-centered. The physical land, in some ways, can be female-gendered or even male-gendered. Therefore through such perceptions, people can feel violation from males from other nations. Thus in doing so, the idea of globalization will have fewer impacts on such beliefs. On the other hand, related sexuality and gender are also impacted by nationalist movements. The way some genders percept in certain concepts has led to the creation of some activities that only help develop such genders. For instance, in Asia, the desire for legal recognition and equity among women has led to women's participation in nationalist movements. Women in Asia have shown some activity that pushes for their distinction in leadership. The other idea driven by such actions is equal job opportunities for both male gender and female. Therefore a particular revolution has been seen in various nations, which has positively impacted leadership and job opportunities. Additionally, the opposition of the legal rights for LGBT people in some countries like Russia is linked with certain nationalist debates. The LGBT group of people has been pushing for their rights, which the opposition group has considered an idealess movement that aims to promote selfishness within the country. The themes of masculinity and feminist have played a significant role in making sure that nationalism is achieved. The concept of male, masculinity, and nationalism has been compared differently according to various cultures. The normative understanding of masculinity and male behavior differs across geographical ideas and cultures in the world. The behavior of males and masculinity has had multiple impacts on the development of nationality. The male gender has had the highest percentage of participation in the political field than the female gender. Since politics have had various effects in the expanding and contraction of nationalism, gender has shown control in creating laws and concepts at national levels that favor their agendas. Some scholars have argued that the stereotypes of modern masculinity have existed in a mutual relationship with today's nationalism. Male participants have shown their dominance in some nationalism structures like military and imperialism. Moreover, in nation-building, the economic development projects are gendered mainly by the masculine. The idea has been achieved with how females have been considered to show their instability in making decisions concerning a nation's economy. In decision making male genders of any country dominate the hierarchal structures. Ideologically and symbolically, nationalist movements have impressed masculinity in projections of bravery, rationality, patriotism, duty, and honor. Therefore the nationalist movements related to masculinity have shown the idea of dominance concerning the male gender. On the other hand, women and femininity in nationalism have been evaluated accordingly. There have been relationships linked with women's participation both locally and globally in nationalism development. Social responsibilities such as child-rearing have been feminist since many years back, which means that ladies can also participate in nation-building agendas. Colonial projects and nationalist ones have shown a reliance on women's labor and other materials provided by such genders. National identities are often linked with women, including also their reproductive capacity. The women's gender has shown their importance in building some national projects (Saida Hodzic, 2009, pp. 339). The support they offer to their male counterparts through marriage has necessitated developing some male-dominated national projects. For instance, first ladies in every nation run some crucial projects that empower other women and support how children are brought up to be responsible in the future. Therefore women have contributed a lot to the development of nationalism globally. In many nations of Asia, the rise of the country has led to growth during recent years. Some forms of nationalism have brought economic development to various states. The imperial nationalism in the past was more based on a racist basis meaning that a particular group of people could benefit while others never developed. On the other hand, rational nationalism was the critical factor for equal development among all ethnic groups globally. Civic nationalism enabled many trade activities t...
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