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Psycological and Physiological Barriers to Communication (Essay Sample)

This an essay that explains the pyscological and physicoloical barriers that make communication difficult between individuals. The physiological barriers explained include the memory of person, while the psycological barriers include premature evaluation by the receiver of the message or distrust between the individuals communicating source..
Psychological and Physiological Barriers to Communication. Student’s Name Course Professor’s Name Due Date Psychological and Physiological barriers to communication. Communication is one of the critical aspects of a healthy relationship. Effective communication is essential for maintaining a strong bond, whether it is with family, friends, or romantic partners. Unfortunately, many barriers can come between people and cause communication to be ineffective. Our brain is a complex machine that can hinder and help our ability to communicate. Psychology and physiology can both be barriers to effective communication. The psychological barrier is when we have difficulty communicating due to our mental state. The physiological hindrance is when we have difficulty communicating due to our physical condition. Several psychological and physiological barriers can cut off communication between either two persons or communities. Premature evaluation is a psychological barrier that can cut off communication, negatively affecting both the sender and receiver. Sometimes, this can prevent the receiver from understanding the message, leading to misinterpretation or misunderstanding. Premature evaluation is when the receiver perceives what the news is before the sender finishes or even starts communicating. Evaluation is an integral part of communication and should not be done prematurely. There are a few reasons why premature evaluation can cut off contact. First, it can raise the stakes too high (Santalova et al., 2018). If someone feels unable to communicate their ideas effectively, they might become discouraged and stop trying. It can also lead to inaccurate judgments or decisions. For example, when one tells their parents that they excelled in the exams, they automatically assume the person got an A when they got a B. When a premature evaluation is done without proper communication, it can cause tension, conflict, and even hostility. Another way to cut off communication is when the sender is distrustful or defensive. Distrust occurs when the receiver does not believe the sender's words. It happens when the sender does not feel they can trust the person they are communicating with. When the sender is distrustful, they might not be honest about their feelings or thoughts. That can lead to miscommunication and misunderstanding. When there is distrust and defensiveness, it can shut off communication because people collectively tend to believe that the other person is not being truthful or is hiding something (Funkhouser, 2022). When people feel defensive, they tend to feel they need to protect themselves from others, which can lead to them shutting down communication. For example, when a friend tells someone they saw a UFO, they might not believe them because They do not trust their friend. Defensiveness is when one is so focused on defending himself that they do not listen to what the other person is saying. These are psychological barriers that can cut off communication between people. Memory is a physiological barrier that can also cut off communication by interfering with the sender's ability to remember what was said. It happens when the sender does not remember what was said or when the sender remembers what was said but does not want to remember it. When this happ...
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