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Poverty as a Social Problem (Essay Sample)


This paper was to discuss "poverty" as a social concern from sociologists arguments and illustrate how sociologists have contributed to its understanding


Poverty: A social Problem
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Social issues have been attributed to society's problems, and poverty is one notable example of such social issues that are persistent and continue to spread in most regions. Insofar, it's among the categories of social issues that need to be changed. According to Thompson and Dahling (2019), poverty brings hardship to individuals and families, which negatively impacts the social stability and development of a region economically, thus posing an adverse threat to human life and security. This essay focuses on poverty as a threatening social issue today. The paper begins by giving a comprehensive introduction of poverty as a social issue and then gives a detailed description of how it fits into sociology. The essay also evaluates relevant sociological theories and terminologies relating to poverty discourse. In the final section, the essay evaluates the knowns and unknowns of sociologists' arguments in US society. Theoretical concepts from relevant literature back up the information presented by this paper.
Generally, poverty is defined as a state of deprivation of an individual's wellbeing. Since conventionalists attribute wellbeing to capacities in control over commodities, those considered poor individuals lack sufficient income to put them above the minimum living threshold. Moreover, poverty is tied to a specific type of consumption in that individuals may be deemed poor concerning health status, housing, and food access. Accordingly, Keith-Jennings et al. (2019) argues that "poverty is not having an income for basic needs, food, medication or housing, and basic needs." UNHRC defines poverty as the human state characterized by chroming deprivation of resources, security, choices, capabilities, and powers to afford a required living standard along with economic, civil, political, and cultural rights.
Similarly, The World Bank describes "extreme poverty" 

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