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Public Administration (Discussion Post) (Essay Sample)

Instructions Consider the Nestle example in the Porter & Kramer article. Does it matter that Nestle is "helping itself" while supporting the community. You must use specific references to the Porter & Kramer article and the Nestle case to receive credit on this discussion board post. Order Info Сustomer's subject: Social & Political Sciences Topic: Public Administration Type of work: Discussion Post Level: Graduate source..
Public Administration Discussion Post: Nestle and Kramer Article Student Name Institutional Affiliations Instructor Date Does it matter that Nestle is "helping itself" while supporting the community. According to Porter and Kramer’s article, it is true that it matters that Nestle is ‘helping itself’ while supporting the community. The article lays emphasis on the fact whereas the approach of Nestle is working with small farmers in India, it is a venture which creates shared value for both the community in the region and the company. Nestle’s value chain is dependent on the establishment of milk local sources from small farmers and thus Nestle invests in developing the local community through sustainable corporate social responsibility practices According to the article, Nestle has invested in the Moga region in India which has enhanced the quality of milk which farmers supply to the company as well as transforming the region. In this area, Nestle has built refrigerated dairies, offers assistance and training to the farmers and it has also helped to improve crop yields via irrigation. Consequently, the same has resulted into better living standards for the Moga community whereby the people have had better access to education, communication and electricity as well as expansions of healthcare systems. The local farmers have better purchasing power which has expanded the market of Nestles’ products and thus greatly contributing to the great economic success of the company. The case is a demonstration that Nestle has a focus of value creation via its CSR practices which have not just benefited the company but has also impacted the community. Through investing in the wellbeing and the development of the community and local farmers, Nestle has ensured a secure and stable supply of commodities of high quality with a good competitive advantage in the market. This is in alignment with Porter and Kramer’s argument that Corporate social responsibility is able to create a virtuous cycle of positive social impact and success of business. Again, it is worth noting that the Nestles efforts on CSR in the Moga area did not begin through CSR but rather Nestl...
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