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"How do the political party systems and electoral behavior in India and Brazil differ and what insights can be gained from their (Essay Sample)

Instructions: You are expected to write one comparative research essay. Your objective is to advance a specific argument or analysis that interprets important events or trends related to comparative politics. Your paper will compare two countries related to one of the topics of the course. A research essay works to answer a specific question through a thesis statement or question, defended through supported evidence. The academic articles from our reading list are a good place to identify arguments or analytical frames. Expectations: Citations must follow a widely used and consistent citation (prefer APA). Essays will be graded based on a variety of factors, including strength of argument, depth of research and analysis, your ability to engage with your chosen topic, organization, writing style, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. The essay should be 2000-2500 words in length (or 7-10 pages, double-spaced) and refer to at least eight academic sources (If you are unsure as to what qualifies as academic sources, please consult an academic style guide). Supplementary non-academic sources are encouraged (newspaper articles, commentaries, non-profit organization publications, etc.). I expect to see depth of analysis, theoretical sophistication, and overall knowledge of the issue throughout your research paper. The essay must do the following things: • Present an analytical argument that is a clear answer to the question • Provide a concise account of why you chose the country cases to examine your topic • Use existing theoretical approaches when relevant (integration of class material and readings) • Recognize the diversity of views and approaches in the literature • Offer some factually correct, compelling evidence to support your argument (quality of empirical research) • Communicate the above in a clear, USE THE RESEARCH OUTLINE! Comment of the teacher on the research outline: So far the research is mostly descriptive, you are describing what some authors say about the cases. These are just general descriptions, you are not making comparisons or explaining why this all matters. I am really thrown off by the presentation of this material, even though you did some good preliminary research. You need to organize your thoughts, explain your focus, and narrow down your discussion/ arguments. Please review the course syllabus with regard to instructions for this assignment, and the samples I shared on the announcements page. Perhaps review the lecture I gave on methods in comparative politics as well. Please make sure to use the reasearch outline I have uploaded you can modify a little bit And use some of the academic sources I provided then add yours as well. thank you source..
Research Paper POL 2104 (A) Introduction to Comparative Politics Research Question: "How do the Political Party Systems and electoral behavior in India and Brazil differ and what insights can be gained from their comparative analysis?" Date: Introduction Politics and electoral behavior are very important when it comes to the manner in which democratic landscapes of nations all over the world are shaped. India and Brazil form part of the largest world democracies offering very intriguing case studies in understanding the dynamics of political party systems and their electoral behavior. Despite India and Brazil’s vast historical, socioeconomic and culturally different contexts, the two countries have gone through significant political challenges and transformations all through history (Ballerini, 2016). India has got a rich political party system as well as linguistic, ethnic and religious diversity and has evolved to represent and accommodate various cleavages in the society. Its multiparty system is a reflection pf its complex social fabric which allows for a wide range of regional and ideological regional interests. Brazil on the other hand, has a political party system which has known the dominance of few major parties which has resulted into a very centralised and concentrated political landscape (Fraile & Hernández, 2020). Looking into the electoral behavior of Indian and Brazilian citizens, it is possible to examine the factors which shape the political and voting patterns as well as preferences. The electorate of India has sheer diversity and size and it presents very unique opportunities and challenges for political actors. The Brazilian history of a military rule with recent transitions in democracy presents powerful insights in regard to how citizens tend to navigate via the complex political landscape. A comparison of the electoral behavior and political party systems gives a deeper understanding of the various factors which influence party loyalty, voter turnout identity roles and socioeconomic factors which shape electoral outcomes. Via a comparative analysis of the political party systems as well as the electoral behavior in India and Brazil, this research will be an illumination into the influence of political, historical factors or otherwise on the democracy in diverse contexts and how the insights gained from the analysis contributes to a broader understanding of the dynamics of political participation and representation in comparative politics. Methodology of the research This research employs a comparative research methodology and design to analyze the political party systems and the electoral behavior in India and Brazil. The approach entails identification of the differences and similarities between the two nations and use of these comparisons to draw conclusions and relevant insights. The research adopts various sources of data including statistical data, books, journals and academic articles to collect information on political party system, electoral systems and patterns of voter behaviors in India and Brazil. The sources gives a comprehensive understanding of the institutional, cultural, historical and political factors that shape the political terrain in each country. For validity, accuracy and credibility; peer-reviewed sources will be adopted. Case studies and in-depth analysis of specific regions within Brazilian and Indian territories will be conducted for more nuanced understanding in variations of party systems as well as the electoral behavior across different subnational contexts. Literature Review Comparative politics and its relevance Comparative politics is focused on the system analysis of political systems, processes, institutions in different countries. It seeks to unearth the variations political phenomena trends, and patterns so as to permit for deeper insights into the political dynamics and their implications. Comparative politics is very relevant because it facilitates scholars to draw comparisons and also make generalizations regarding the manner in which different political systems function, the factors which shape their development as well as the impact they have on society. A comparative study on India and Brazil is a perfect demonstration on the political diversity of experiences while drawing lessons which are able to inform comparative politics in a broader sense. Theoretical frameworks for analyzing political party systems and electoral behaviour In the analysis of political party systems and electoral behavior, theoretical frameworks are very significant because they form a foundation in understanding and interpreting the complex dynamics which come to play. The party systems and cleavage constraint by Sartori (2005) is one such influential framework whose emphasis is on the role of socioeconomic and cultural cleavages and how they shape the functioning and formation of political parties in a certain system. The alignment of different cleavages with party alignments and electoral behavior in India and Brazil offers in-depth understanding on the underlying preferences and motivations which drive political participation and choices in voting. Sartoris (20050 framework is a lens via which India and Brazil can be interpreted as to how interactions between political and societal dynamics come into play. Political party systems in India and Brazil: Historical evolution and factors shaping party systems In India and Brazil, political party systems have been through significant developments in history influenced by some factors. In India, party system has rose in response to the country’s diverse regional, linguistic and ethnic cleavages. The Indian National Congress (INC) was founded in 1985 and it has played a very central role in the independence movements and it took dominance in Indian politics in early years following independence. Overtime, the Party system has undergone fragmentation following the emergence of regional parties and coalitions Pai, 2018). In Brazil, the party system has also gone through its shifts over time with the country’s 1988 constitution marking the transition to democracy after many decades of military rulership which now saw the rise of new political parties as well as the reconfiguration of existing parties (Power, 2011). Thus, the historical evolution of political party systems in Indian and Brazil has been put in to form by different institutional, cultural and historical factors. Such factors include impact of social and economic cleavages, formation of national identities, the struggle for independence and the legacy of colonial rule. The party systems in the two countries is a reflection of the societal division complexities and divisions with the system of India being more accommodative to diverse identity-based and regional parties whereas the Brazilian system has witnessed the domination of a few major parties. Party ideologies, identity politics, alliances, and regional dynamics In both Indian and Brazil, political parties are fueled by a range of ideologies, identity politics, and regional dynamics which form competition and the party behavior. In India, parties work in alignment with various lines of ideologies such as regionalism, secularism, socialism and conservatism. For instance, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is known for its affiliations with the Hindu nationalist ideology whereas the Indian National Congress (INC) has traditionally embedded itself into a more secular and centrist platform. Regional parties such as the Trinamool Congress in West Bengal and the Shiv Sena in Maharashtra have priorities in regional interests while championing for specific regional identities. In a similar score, in Brazil political parties have very distinct leanings of ideologies (Lipset and Rokkan, 1967). For instance, the Worker’s Party (PT) is a representation of the politics of the advocates of the left Wing whose advocacy is socio-democratic policies whereas the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB) has its inclination on the center-right politics. In addition, party alliances have very crucial roles in Indian and Brazilian Politics. In India, alliances and coalitions are usually formed among the parties which have got shared objectives in regional interests. Such alliances help parties to strengthen of their electoral prospects while building broader base supports. On the other hand, Brazilian alliances are formed for the purposes of a stable government and to ensure secure legislative majorities. Regional dynamics also have very significant roles in shaping the behaviors of parties as well as the competition in the two countries. In Indian, regional parties have significant influence in their states and usually focus on particular regional interests and mobilization of support along cultural, ethnic and linguistic lines. This regional fragmentation is what adds to the party system complexity and creates opportunities for regional parties towards exertion of influence as well ass taking a role in coalition governments. In Brazil, there are also regional dynamics where parties align themselves with particular regions or states representing the specific interests of those areas. An example is the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB) in the Nort east region of Brazil whose policies are poverty alleviation and social welfare promotion. Such a perspective in Indian and Brazilian political landscapes helps to give insights into the two countries’ electoral patterns. Electoral behavior in India and Brazil: Voter turnout, preferences, and decision-making factors Electoral behaviour in both India and Brazil is comprised of different aspects which are inclusive of preferences, voter turnout and factors which shape the decisions of voting. In India, there is a vast and diverse electorate which makes understanding of electoral behavior very important. According to Stokes et al. (2013) electoral behavior...
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