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Tennessee Local Federal Policy (Essay Sample)

Instructions In this assignment, you will analyze the local, state, or federal policy you chose to address your social justice issue, including providing background of the development of the policy and evaluating its effectiveness and feasibility. Remember that the feasibility of a policy relates not only to its economic feasibility, but also to its political and social impact. You will also identify the policy constraints that inhibit the policy from most effectively reaching your targeted population. Continue to consult the United States CongressLinks to an external site. website, the Government Accountability Office, public policy analysis research and reports, and other peer-reviewed research to support your analysis. Also, use the NASW Code of EthicsLinks to an external site. web page to guide your analysis. By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following CSWE EPAS competencies and practice behaviors: CSWE EPAS Competency 5: Engage in policy practice. C5.GP.A: Identify social policy at the local, state, and federal level that impacts well-being, service delivery, and access to social service. Related assignment criterion: Analyze the development of the chosen policy. CSWE EPAS Competency 5: Engage in policy practice. C5.GP.B: Assess how social welfare and economic policies impact the delivery of and access to social services. Related assignment criteria: Evaluate the effectiveness of the policy with respect to the target population. Evaluate the feasibility of the policy. CSWE EPAS Competency 5: Engage in policy practice. C5.GP.C: Apply critical thinking to analyze, formulate, and advocate for policies that advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice. Related assignment criterion: 4. Identify the policy constraints that inhibit the policy from fully addressing the problem for the chosen population. Assignment Instructions For this assignment: Analyze the development of your chosen policy. Analyze the historical background that led to the development of the policy. Define the goals of the policy and how these goals are intended to be met, including services and programs intended to achieve the goals. Evaluate the effectiveness of the policy with respect to the target population. Consider how well the policy has met the needs of your target population and to what extent it improves the social justice problem you initially researched. Does the policy seem to ignore, impede, or strengthen the social functioning of the target population? To what extent does the policy meet or improve the social values of the target population? To what extent does the policy adhere to best practice ethics and best practice standards? If the outcome of your analysis is that best practice ethics and standards are not being adhered to, include that information in your analysis as well. Evaluate the feasibility of the policy. Is the policy politically, economically, and administratively feasible? Provide details and rationale. Identify the policy constraints that inhibit the policy from fully addressing the problem for the chosen population. Have other constraints arisen since the passage of the policy that have made conditions worse or better for the chosen population? source..
Tennessee State Policy Tennessee Promise policy Student Name Institutional Affiliations Instructor Date Tennessee Promise policy Policy development The Tennessee Promise policy was developed to respond towards the growing concerns regarding the affordability and accessibility of higher education within the State of Tennessee. This introduction and implementation of the policy was done in 2014 and it provides a two-years of technical school or community college training or education without payment of tuition fee for graduates of high school (Nguyen, 2020). The key objective of the policy is to increase the overall attainment of education rates in the state as well as offer learners with a trajectory towards higher education with no burden for tuition fees. The Tennessee promise policy was developed via extensive research, collaboration with educational organizations, legislative approval and stakeholder management. Historical background that led to Policy Development The development of the Tennessee promise policy is deep seated in the large national discourse which surrounds the rising costs in higher education as well as the need for increased access to postsecondary education. In history, Tennessee is a state that has faced both educational and economic challenges with low numbers to college enrollment as well as limited opportunities for workforce development (Monday, 2020). Again, Tennessee has faced one of the lowest rates of attainment to higher education in the U.S. Policy makers understood that by addressing such issues needed very innovative approach. Through the inspiration of other tuition programs such as the Oregon state, Tennessee saw the need to leverage its resources so as to offer greater opportunities for its citizens. Such a background coupled with the political support towards investment in education and development of workforce, this paced way for the Tennessee promise policy (Jordan & Picciano, 2019). Goals of the Tennessee Promise Policy and Implementation Strategies/Programs: The Tennessee Promise Policy has a number of key goals which are directed towards the increase access to enhancing educational attainment rates in the state. The primary goals for this policy is to offer the Tennessee learners with an opportunity towards pursuit of educational degree as well as certificate without the financial barrier of tuition fees. This is achievable via offering the learners two years which are tuition free at either technical schools or at community colleges. The policy is also aimed at adding up to the rate of college enrollment through an encouragement of more high school students to be in pursuit of higher education (Nguyen, 2020). In order to support the goal achievement, the policy provides several programs and services such as counselling and mentorship, community engagement initiatives and scholarship fundings. Such programs are intended to offer learners with the guidance and support which is required so as to have successful navigation of the application process and persistence in education. The Tennessee policy lays emphasis on the significance of developing workforce via promotion and alignment of job market needs and educational programs. Policy effectiveness with respect to target population The Promise Policy has a positive effectiveness in attending to its target population who are the students. The policy has recorded increase in the rate of enrollment in colleges as well as accessibility to higher education for the Tennessee students and more specifically the learners whose backgrounds are low in-come. The policy has succeeded in offering the opportunity for students who may not have had consideration for pursuit of college education following financial challenges. The policy has greatly contributed to a more improved economic opportunities and educated workforce. However, there are some challenges which remain in terms of ensuring equitable access and addressing non-financial barriers to completion in college (Perna & Smith, 2020). Again whereas the program has recorded increased rates of enrollment, the completion and retention rates of students who enter the program need impetus for improvement. Consider how well the policy has met the needs of your target population and to what extent it improves the social justice problem you initially researched. Does the policy seem to ignore, impede, or strengthen the social functioning of the target population? The Tennessee promise policy has made very significant steps towards meeting the needs of the target population as well as addressing the problem of social justice of limited access in higher education and lack of equity in educational programs. The policy has brought about significant reduction in the financial obstacles for the students whose backgrounds are low income which has enabled them to pursue higher education and also potentially be able to bridge the gap in between socioeconomic disparities. Through a tuition-free education at technical schools and community colleges, the policy has made education quite accessible and affordable and more to the marginalized populations who could have been excluded ("TN promise," 2023). In the same way, the policy strengthens the social functioning of the target population by offering them the opportunities for educational upward mobility as well as enhanced social integration. Nevertheless, the policy the policy does not fully address other challenges and barriers which are faced by disadvantaged students such as institutional support, access to resources as well as academic readiness. While the policy is concerned about greater enrollment rates, it doesn’t care the outcome. Therefore, while the policy is making significant progress, it is still possible to improve the current program so as to strengthen equity of all students and factor in more students regardless of background (Bastedo et al., 2023). Extent to which the policy meets or improves the social values of the target population The Tennessee Promise Policy works towards aligning and improving the social values of its target population via the promotion of equal access towards higher education and enhancing opportunities for social mobility. Through a tuition-free education, the policy does reinforce the value for education as a very fundamental right and a pathway for professional and personal development. It aids to break obstacles and creates a much more equitable system of education where learners from low income backgrounds have opportunities which are the same as their financially advantaged peers. Again, the policy operates in support of the social value of fairness via addressing disparities in economy which are hindrances to attainment of education by offering services of support for ensuring the success of students ("Tennessee promise scholarship program requirements," 2023). Extent to which the policy adheres to best practice ethics and best practice standards The Tennessee Promise Policy works in alignment with the best standards and practice through the prioritization of educational access, promotion of social justice as well as ensuring equity in higher education opportunities. The policy is a demonstration of strong commitment to values of social work, empowerment, equality and fairness. It follows the best practice standards by offering support services, counseling and mentorship in order to assist in the navigation of college experience. The policy also lays emphasis on the need for workforce development as well as alignment to education with market needs. Feasibility of the Policy The Tennessee Promise Policy seems to have demonstrated resilience throughout its implementation course. The policy has successfully been Implemented and sustained since the introduction in 2014 which is a strong indication of its administrative and operational feasibility. Tennessee as a state has effectively mobilized and leveraged its resources towards funding the tuition-free program while at the same time securing partnerships with community organizations and educational institutions to offer support as needed for students ("Tennessee promise scholarship," 2023). The policy has garnered a strong bipartisan support which is indicative of its feasibility politically. Despite this, challenges which are concerned with funding and sustainability of the program as well as addressing non-financial barriers towards completion still hold. Again, scaling up the program in order to accommodate larger student numbers and expansion past the technical schools and community colleges need further assessment. Feasibility of the policy politically, economically, and administratively feasible The Tennessee Promise Policy is administratively, economically and politically feasible. Politically this policy has gained bipartisan support and has been successfully implemented right from its introduction. It operates in alignment with values ...
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