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reflection essay on socialisation (Essay Sample)

the essay emphasise THE SIGNIFICANCE OF SOCIALISATION BY REFLECTING ON MY LIFE EXPERIENCE IN childhood. The essay explains how Learning through observation and imitating helped me familiarize myself with people in my surroundings. IT ALSO EMHASISE ON THE ROLES OF MY PARENTS, TOWARD MY SELF-GROWTH AND THE AWARENESS. source..
Think about your childhood years. Write a 2-3-page essay about your childhood experiences that includes answers to the following questions: Who were the most important agents of your socialization? Childhood experiences are of the best moments I have had in my life. Playing with my parents and sisters is among the memories I have attached to my heart for a lifetime. Learning through observation and imitating helped me familiarize myself with people in my surroundings. Every person around me contributed a lot in helping me develop my speech and get familiar with everything around me. They also created an enabling environment for me to socialize and learn from them. Therefore, my parents and siblings were the most significant agents of socialization. My siblings and peers were very substantial when it came to playing. They could avail themselves most of their free time so that we could play together. Playing is an exercise that not only entertains me but also helps me a lot in developing my physical and cognitive abilities. Siblings and peers, therefore, played a massive role in enhancing my development by engaging me in various activities while playing. Parents and teachers also contributed heavily to my socialization as a child. Both of them ensured they gave guidance and encouragement that shaped my beliefs and attitude as a child. My parents could, for instance, watch out for activities I involved myself in while playing and warn me to stop anytime they felt what I was doing could expose me to danger. They, therefore, guide effective plays to take part in and also on effective ways of interacting with my friends. What beliefs, attitudes, and values did they try to convey to you? My parents instilled in me the values of obedience, honesty, and self-drivees. They insisted on respecting everyone around me and the need to normalize telling the truth every time. My father plays a considerable role in nurturing me to be a self-driven child. When he found me idling around, he could challenge me by telling me to engage myself in something productive without waiting to be reminded. My teachers also play a huge role in instilling knowledge in me and helping me understand the significance and importance of education. They could closely follow my academic work to ensure that I am working towards improving my performance. I also participate in non-curriculum activities. They nurtured a zeal to be resilient and more creative in my work. My sisters and peers instilled in me the value of love and friendship. I learned from my peers that treating everyone with respect and care for each other is essential. As far as you know, how did you impact their values or outlooks? My inquisitiveness and curiosity were a significant challenge to many adults. Most of the time, I would ask many questions with curiosity to know more. I did not hesitate to ask for clarification for the unconvincing responses. I believe I challenged a lot of adults to think deeper and give a more comprehensive response because they knew I did not hesitate to ask for more if they gave very shallow answers. Being extroverted also gives me the audacity to interact with anyone I meet and ask quest questions about areas I feel I need to know. This behavior made people who knew me always prepared whenever I interacted with them. How did they perceive and respond to you? Everyone gave a different response. Although my parents sometimes felt that I was too much, they did not get tired of answering my questions. My mother would challenge me by answering some questions partly, incredibly when busy, and then ask me to do more research and bring my feedback. My teachers were also very supportive and volunteered to impact me with more knowledge anytime I would reach them to ask a question. I became close to many teachers who were impressed with my curiosity and encouraged me to continue with the same spirit. From my peers, I cannot complain. They tried to give me some positive responses to the questions. They knew as much as they could. However, the problem with peers is that most of them are too playful, so they only have a little time to answer questions. Some of them could feel like my questions were too much for them, and they didn't have time for that. How did their response influence your self-image? The feedback I got from these agents was very influential. The positive feedback from my parents and teachers helped me develops my self-identity. For a very long time, I have paid a lot of attention to comments I get from people about me rather than what I believe about me. Therefore, I have heavily relied on this comment to understand myself and shape my behaviors. Negative comments would always discourage or destroy me, but then I would use them to mark my weaknesses and strategize on ways of improving my weaknesses. My teachers, like my second parents, bolstered my confidence and self-worth. My people also encouraged me with their good comments, making me feel I am important in society. I could maximize the favorable compliments from these agents in developing my self-identity and awareness, hence becoming a better person. Think of an occasion in which your feelings or behavior seemed inappropriate for the situation. Using the ideas and concepts from the readings, write two pages to analyze your experience. As I have put it before, being an extroverted personality has made me go to extremes in interacting with people. I would take a very short time to make friends with new people around me. This behavior enabled me to socialize with many people as a child, and I learned quite a lot. However, one incident happened when I was about six years old, and I still remember it so well. I marked this today because I went too far with my curiosity and questioning inappropriate behaviors. I came from school; if I remember vividly, it was a Friday afternoon. It was a sunny day, and temperatures were exceptionally too high. Arriving home, I found my mother with a visitor who was completely strange to me seated in our veranda. Without waiting for them to finish their talk, I just jumped into their conversation and asked my mother what the lady could be. Because of honesty, I had not seen her before. The lady had to stop immediately what she was saying and then gazed at me with a smile. On the other side, my mother was looking at me with very sharp eyes, which I knew was a sign of informing me I had done something wrong. According to Berger & Luckmann (2023), sign language carries a significant meaning. From her facial expression I could tell I was wrong. In the confusion, my mother explained that the lady was her old friend from school who had come to visit her. She, however, told me before the visitors next not to jump into older people's conversations the way you have done; I felt so embarrassed and decided to keep quiet. As if my mother had not warned me before not popping into adult's conversation, I found myself again in the middle of their conversation, asking the visitor why she was wearing, a ring on both fingers. I used to see my mother wearing just one wedding ring; however, with her visitor, I could spot about four rings on her fingers. The visitors just stop and looked at me. According to the course reading, the use of gesture is the begging of communication. I could read from her gesture that everything was not okay. My mother could not take more of that; she shouted at me harshly and asked me to do my homework. My mother, who was angry at me. She told me that I should also avoid older adults' conversations. She also told me it is best to avoid asking people questions about their appearance, dress and personal life. From that day, I learned a lot. I knew that despite being curious and extraverted, I should have a limit on the questions that I asked people. Write a summary of the article "The Social Preservation of Mind: The Alzheimer's Disease Experience" centered on the dialogical nature of the mind. The length should be between 1.5 pages and 3 pages. Title: The Dialogical Nature of Mind: Insights from "The Social Preservation of Mind: The Alzheimer's Disease Experience" The article discusses Alzheimer's disease and its impact on individuals' understanding of their minds and its inherently dialogical nature. The articles describe the mind as not an independent entity but a social organ that should be actively involved in human interaction. At the beginning of the articles, the authors comprehensively explain the experience of individuals with Alzheimer's with their caregivers. The authors bring up the caregivers as very fundamental people in controlling and monitoring the Alzheimer condition. From this experience the authors had been able to put on body dynamic perspective that shapes a personal perception. The articles talk about the impact of Alzheimer's on self-awareness and identity. The authors argue that Alzheimer's significantly effect significantly impacts individual social interaction. Most patients who have Alzheimer's do not engage in social interaction activities. The article also talks about the sense ...
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