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Universal Health Coverage (Essay Sample)

THis is a discussion board post whose PROMPT is to identify a social justice issue and propose a solution. I selected universal health coverage for the alderly and focused on the advocacy work of the Medical Rights Center advocacy group in New York. The organization strives to promote universal access to healthcare through three primary avenues namely counselling, education and policy ADVOCACY. source..
Name Professors’ Name Course Name and Number Date of Submission Universal Health Coverage The right and the ability for everyone to access quality healthcare services in the United States has been one the pivotal public debate issues. The United States is among the few wealthy countries in the world that do not guarantee universal access to health care for its citizens. From a personal perspective, this issue deserves attention because skewed access to health care trickles into other social issues such as unemployment, poverty, and crime (Zieff et al. 580). Although impaired access to healthcare affects virtually the entire society in the United States, my focus will be on how to promote universal health coverage for the elderly in society. The choice is informed by the fact that a majority of people in this group do not have income and are not employable, leaving them vulnerable. In the pursuit of promoting universal health coverage for the elderly, the focus will be on the work of the Medical Rights Center advocacy group. The group is headquartered in New York, and the mission is to promote access to healthcare for the elderly and people living with disabilities (Medicare Rights Center). The organization strives to achieve this outcome through counseling, education, and policy work. The counseling aspect focuses on advising people on the best insurance to take as well as the most suitable healthcare organizations for their needs (Medicare Rights Center). The education part involves providing educational materials to caregivers, patients, and healthcare professionals. Lastly, the advocacy aspect engages with federal and state agencies to eliminate the systematic handicaps to universal health coverage (Medicare Rights Center). The organization gives equal focus to the pursuit of these roles. My role in addressing the social issue would be biased toward advocacy. The rationale is that most of the challenges that prevent the elderly and people with disabilities from assessing health care services...
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