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Renewable Resources in the United Stated Social Sciences Essay (Essay Sample)


Why hasn’t the U.S. invested more in renewable resources such as in Brazil over 20 years ago?


Renewable Resources in the United Stated
A study conducted by over thirty federal departments shows that renewable energy can significantly improve the energy supply in the United States; however, nothing has been done to improve this situation (Hurlbut 12). On the other hand, in Brazil, renewable resources contribute to eighty-eight percent of the total energy production in the country. Water is the leading source of energy, followed by organic energy from biomass and natural gas.
Lack of confidence in renewable resources and limited awareness on the same is one of the significant reasons why the United States has not invested in renewable resources (Hurlbut 14). In the United States, individuals are more interested in the innovation of non-renewable resources such as oil. It is a dangerous trend because most of these energies do not have a guaranteed source in the future. To resolve this barrier, the state should provide reliable information on the advantages of using renewable sources. This will boost consumers confidence and hence more consumption

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