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Sports and games are an essential part of human culture, tradition, recreation, mental health, and physical growth. (Essay Sample)

It is a narrative essay. the topic is "Sports and games are an essential part of human culture, tradition, recreation, mental health, and physical growth". It is discussed that games and physical activities are good fro health. This provides the facility for physical activity, mental exercise, social interaction, and emotional growth. Sports and gales have a vast spectrum of physical and mental skills. Sports and games include football, hockey, cricket, chess, polo, tennis, and snooker. These are some of the famous games in the world that people like. These games have the maximum number of audiences all over the world. Sports and games are necessary for a good life and result in good mental health, physical health, and emotional health. source..
Askar Almuways Dr. Teresita Hunt ENGL 1010 Freshman English I 27 October 2023 Narrative Essay Sports and games are an essential part of human culture, tradition, recreation, mental health, and physical growth. This provides the facility for physical activity, mental exercise, social interaction, and emotional growth. Sports and gales have a vast spectrum of physical and mental skills. Sports and games include football, hockey, cricket, chess, polo, tennis, and snooker. These are some of the famous games in the world that people like. These games have the maximum number of audiences all over the world. Sports and games are necessary for a good life and result in good mental health, physical health, and emotional health (Dan Brennan, 2021). The benefits of sports and games are extended and far behind physical fitness. The impact of sports and games on mental health is vital and profound. Mental stress is one of the major issues in recent times due to the busy life. In the same way, activities help people to reduce mental stress and also improve their mood. It is observed that physical activity releases endorphins from the body that ultimately help to reduce mental stress and improve mental clarity. They are different types of games that not only relax the mental shells but also improve intelligent questions and decision-making. In recent times strategic games have become very common and they are helpful in quick decision-making and improving cognitive skills (Malm, Jakobsson, & Isaksson, 2019). It is a common concept about games and sports that is useful for physical fitness. Sports help to maintain better cardiovascular activity, increase endurance, and improve muscular strength in the human body. Wait management is one of the major issues in recent times because of fast food. Sports health consumes more and more calories than ultimately held to maintain the BMI. Human body movement belongs to the motor skills. Physical activity helps the body to improve motor skills due to coordination, balance, and agility in playing sports. Muscle strength and body parts organization is one of the major benefits of sports and games. Various sports such as football require more practice. Continuous practice in football helps the human body to keep in shape for a longer period and also improves the new system that reduces the chances of diseases. Diseases not only increase medical costs but also reduce the efficiency of the human body. It ultimately reduces the overall productivity of the country. Regular practice of field games has the body to improve the overall physical strength and body parts coordination. Body flexibility is involved in stretching and gymnastic games. Physical activities not only strengthen the body but also improve the digestive system (Narelle Eather, Wade, Aurélie Pankowiak, & Eime, 2023). Sports and games play a significant role in fostering emotional health. Emotional health involves stress reduction, boosting self-esteem, and social connections, and building resilience. These are important factors that are involved in emotional health. Physical health is not possible with emotional well-being. Level participation in mind games as people to improve their scene-making and sharpen their minds. Various other factors are considered for the battle including concentration focus memory and other cognitive functions. Physical activity as well as strategy games help people to improve their overall mental skills. This improvement helps people t...
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