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Social Sciences
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tHIS ESSAY WAS ABOUT STRUCTURES OF INJUSTICE. Structures and representation of injustices, have become a popular topic of discussion, this means injustices is experienced globally, with discrimination and racism being the leading inequalities. Black lives suffer most when it comes to injustices, while the whites face life normally. All lives matter whether white or black, thus humankind consideration in terms of equality and dignity is a crucial concern for many societies. And to address this humanitarian disaster, as black people feel their lives have been threatened. source..
Amazon Company Assessment Students Name Instructor Institution Date Amazon Company Assessment Amazon is one of the most successful and well-known companies in the world, thanks to their successful and distinctive brands, which will generate more than $433 billion in revenue by 2020 (Alshmrani, 2021). It has been robust due to superficial qualitative principles, such as customer obsession, which focuses more on their needs, interests, and experiences than competitors. This has proven to be the best element that has driven Amazon to achieve high rails in operations. Furthermore, Amazon has spent a significant amount of time believing and thinking about how to strive for and implement the essential customer-centric aspects, such as a good boss and a safe working environment, which make their employees happy and motivated to take on their responsibilities (Simmons & Kang, 2020). The Amazon Company’s greatest strength is the strong, unique, and distinctive brand name that it has created. This gives it a significant position and a reputable brand image in local markets (Simmons & Kang, 2020). And national global markets. Furthermore, because of its unique product and service offerings, the company uses a firm brand name in marketing to its excellent customers, gaining loyalty, flexibility, and popularity, which social platforms bring with them. In contrast, Amazon Company is experiencing several weaknesses that are preventing it from capitalizing on its market leadership and causing immediate brand image damage as a result of tax evasion controversies (Alshmrani, 2021). This weakness is being mitigated by the company's expansion into the majority of emerging markets, as it has the opportunity to increase its customer base and revenue by expanding into new geographical areas, both internationally and domestically. Amazon Company’s excellent brand name has been beneficial to the company as it has been assessed through its outcomes and performances in both domestic and global markets (Simmons & Kang, 2020). Because of its competence and sincerity, the company has emerged as the most trusted and credible brand globally due to its unique brand image, offering more personal satisfaction and relationship building with all its customers, services, and products. Furthermore, its weakness of damaging the brand name, which may affect its market position, has been mitigated by creating more customers in various emerging regions that are thriving and strongholds of the company, assisting in developing its brand reputation, customer base, and sales (Alshmrani, 2021). According to the most recent financial analysis of Amazon company reports, the company is actually winning in the industry (Alshmrani, 2021). For example, in 2020, the company reported approximately 127 million in revenue in its third quarter compared to the third quarter of 2019. The company reported a gain of 127 billion in 2021. Still, in 20222, financial analysis and reports indicated that the company was thriving in the market, as it posted revenue of 147 billion in its third quarter, indicating its strong market position. Amazon has been performing well in the market. Still, the company has decided to make shopping more accessible and convenient by incorporating various elements such as clicking on one, ordering, and considering personalized recommen...
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