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Critical Analysis Paper (Essay Sample)

Using a standard 10, 11 or 12-point font with one-inch margins. Write concisely. The written assignments should include critical analysis and personalization, but they are not typical research papers. Students are encouraged but are not required to include quotes from authoritative sources, journal articles, or research. If you quote materials, students must use any of the established styles for documenting college papers. A guide to writing research papers is available on the course website. Click the Key Information button on the homepage to find and view this document. Students for whom English is not their first language and students who have difficulty with formal writing are strongly encouraged to use the College’s Writing Center for assistance. A link to the Writing Center is on the College’s website and may also be found by clicking the Student Services button on this course’s homepage. The prompts to answer for each video are below and serve as a guideline for writing the assignments. Students may express themselves freely but must articulate a logical and fact-based argument to support their point of view to achieve a good grade. Mere expression of unsupported personal opinions will not count as critical think­ing. This Frontline documentary tells the horrific stories of young women forced into prostitution and follows a police unit committed to ending sexual exploitation. Explain how dealing with the problem is one of a “supply and demand” issue. Briefly discuss the differences between street solicitation and Internet-based facets of the crime. Explain why many young women remain under the control of their pimps when they are left unattended and have opportunities to escape. What methods of deterring customers have been utilized in Phoenix to reduce the incidence of sex trafficking there? Ultimately, what happened to 16- year-old Kat and to the three men who trafficked her? source..
Critical Analysis Paper Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Professor’s Name Due Date Critical Analysis Paper Frontline sex trafficking in America is a movie series that explains some of the incredible stories of young girls and women pressurized in prostitution. The series also involves one police unit committed to investigating the sexual exploitation of young women and fights so hard to end sexual exploitation among young girls (Neuman, 2019). The intimate and extensive access to prosecutors, local law enforcement, women, and service providers is firmly projected in the series showing the hidden realities regarding sex trafficking in the United States. The film is mainly intended to assist young women forced into prostitution. Most people do not understand that sex trafficking is an epidemic affecting several countries with the government being involved (Neuman, 2019). Therefore, this essay analyzes how to deal with sex trafficking of young women and internet-based facets and solicitation of the crime differences. Explain how dealing with the problem is one of a “supply and demand” issue. The human trafficking issue can also be regarded as a contemporary type of the slave trade. Trafficking humans adopt several forms since human exploitation varies in many ways and sectors. According to research, sexual exploitation is a common type of human trafficking that young women often face. Ideally, young women are more vulnerable to sexual exploitation. Sex trafficking is one of the "supply and demand" issues. The analysis of sex trafficking victims evolves from examining victims and the perpetrators, thus a greater understanding of the issue as a market system. The utility of sex trafficking as a market system is based on the assumption that many people engage in sex trafficking and human trafficking because it generates enormous profits (Aronowitz & Chmaitilly, 2020). In this case, human beings/ young women are the goods, while demand is the act of prostitution. Therefore, the goods/ young women are the supply and the demand(prostitution), there exists a complex social network for sex trafficking to occur. Supply Ideally, supply refers to the availability of a source of service. The supply of persons willing to work is endless. The steady supply of young women willing to improve their lives is relatively contributed by social exclusion, political exclusion, and poverty. Many young women suffer from poverty and participate in sex trafficking to afford their basic needs. Factors such as globalization are vulnerable for young women to engage in sex trafficking. Demand Demand refers to the desire for a particular object, service, or labor. Demand can either be elastic or inelastic. Elastic demand implies that service or labor fluctuates depending on the service price (Bell et al., 2018). Where else, inelastic demand means that the service and labor remain stable despite price fluctuation. Therefore, in sex trafficking, cheap sex demand is elastic. It means that any price increase results in low demand and vice versa. Briefly discuss the differences between street solicitation and Internet-based facets of crime. Solicitation entails requesting, seeking funds, appealing, or other valuable things. The solicitation to commit a crime happens when an individual appeal, encourages or requests another person to engage in a criminal act. An individual can only be charged with solicitation after the proof of inducing another person to commit a crime. Therefore, street solicitation in sex trafficking entails actively appealing and requesting young women to engage in sex trafficking for financial favors. On the other hand, Internet-based facets of crime refer to crimes committed by individuals online. Such crimes are committed through the use of the internet by individuals. Unlike street solicitation, where an individual is physically manipulating, Internet-based facets of the crime only occur through the internet. For example, 16- year-old Kat met her traffickers through cyberspace (Neuman, 2019). Generally, most sex traffickers nowadays recruit people through social media platforms. For example, the film reveals that sex traffickers use fake advertisements such as decoys to recruit young women. Explain why many young women remain under the control of their pimps when they are left unattended and have opportunities to escape. Not all young women who engage in sex trafficking are forced to join. Often, most young women leave their homes due to homelessness and are just idle on the streets. The majority of the young women fear joining social programs for help because they do not need to be sent home again. Others prefer sex trafficking because they can continue with their addictions, and no one will restrict them (Cimino et al., 2017). The prostitute pimps usually buy girls drugs food and offer them a place to stay, thus, the reluctance to escape even when they have the opportunity. In other cases, the pimps are violent in case of any attempt to escap...
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