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Teen Parenting: Program Evaluation and Methodology (Essay Sample)


In this assignment, you will describe how to evaluate the program you identified in Unit 3. You will also determine the methodology for this program evaluation and indicate other details such as associated research questions, definitions of variables, sampling and data collection procedures, applicable instruments, and discussion of ethical issues pertaining to human subjects.
Assignment Instructions
Using the program you identified in the Unit 3 assignment, Research Literature Review, design a program evaluation plan. Use the following outline:
Introduction: State the topics that will be covered in this section.
Organization descriiption: Describe the program or service (program focus, resources, population, clients served, and the theory of change). Include a descriiption of the stakeholders and evaluation purpose.
Research questions and hypotheses: Revisit research questions and hypotheses established in the Unit 3 assignment, Research Literature Review.
Definition of variables and terms in the study: Define your major variables in a clear and concise manner, and distinguish between independent and dependent variables. Every variable that is identified in the research questions should be defined clearly in this section in terms of what it is and how it will be measured.
Descriiption of the methodology (study design).
Explain whether your study is qualitative, quantitative, or both and whether it is cross-sectional (single point in time) or longitudinal (more than one measure from the same people).
Explain how you are going to determine the efficacy of your program (for example, pre-tests and post-tests, comparison to a similar group of people not receiving program services).
Explain if you are comparing the group getting the intervention to any other group on the outcomes of interest (a control or comparison group).
Explain if you are using more than one source of data to triangulate measures of your outcome of interest (for example, rates of participation, qualitative interviews, and a satisfaction survey).
Explain why this method of program evaluation and methodology is best practice (as compared to other possible models).
Sampling procedures.
Distinguish between the population and your sample.
Provide some basic demographic information that you would anticipate.
State how many people are taking part in the study and how you will go about sampling them.
Explain how the control/comparison group will be selected or how people are assigned to that group, if you are using a control/comparison group.
Instrumentation: Do you plan to use a standardized instrument or will you design your own? Why? Every variable that is addressed in your research questions and operational definitions should also be addressed in this section. Describe the validity and reliability of your instruments. Note that you must include at least one quantitative measure. Include your instruments, including any qualitative interview protocols, in an appendix.
Data collection and procedures: Describe exactly what you plan to do and when. Explain how and when you will collect each measure, and how and when you will begin the intervention and for how long
Human protection: Discuss ethical issues pertaining to the method of program evaluation you selected. Discuss how you will address and minimize these issues. Include a sample informed consent (and minor assent, if necessary) as an appendix.


Program Evaluation and Methodology
Student's Name
Teen parenting is a critical task due to the various challenges experienced by the parents. Different factors determine the relationship between the teen and the parent. These factors affect the teen's growth and development. In addition, the relationship influences the child's academic outcomes and their relationships with peers. Parents struggle to address the changes taking place in their children. These changes result from the varying hormonal developments in teens and peer influence. Teens also struggle to find their identity and might conflict with their parents. Research on the challenges experienced by each party and the effects of the challenges is essential to improving parenting. Developing a research approach and examining all the related factors is essential to developing valid results and recommendations on teen parenting.
Program Description
The program will involve examining the issues associated with teen parenting. The purpose of the evaluation will be to identify the specific challenges teens encounter during adolescence and determine the nature, causes, and effects of teen-parent conflicts. The program will also develop solutions to the identified challenges. One of the primary purposes for evaluation will be improving parent-teen relationships. The other purpose will be to help teens address emerging challenges and excel in academics and other relevant fields. Parents, teens, teachers, and community members will be the stakeholders considered in the program.
Research Questions and Hypotheses
One of the research questions is how

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