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Terrorism as a Spectacle (Essay Sample)
Terrorism as spectacle
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Terrorism as we know it today
Of late, there have been several video clips being floated by different militia groups such as the ISIS and Alshabaab showing off their retaliatory killings to the United States and to the world at large at the expense of media houses. Once such case can be pointed to the recent footage of insurgents beheading a journalist of American decent perhaps to underline their anger and dissatisfaction to the globe for failing to adhere to their extremism and demands. While that may be so, the act of terrorism, much like other ultra behaviors has a starting point. In his discussion International Terrorism: Image and Reality, Chomsky outlines two approaches to the calculated form of violence namely: literal and propagandistic approach. In this paper however, I shall look at the latter in regards to how rebel groups utilize this specific phenomenon to carry their agenda (Chomsky, 1991). In explanation, the propagandistic approach majorly leans on the states and the fourth estate much to the satisfaction of the terrorists who get behind a camera, record their activities and share with the world through the eyes of the media. The motivations behind these acts come as a result of certain grievances that have basically got to do with issues touching on poverty, demographic factors, social inequality and exclusion (Newman, 2006). It is also true to say that terrorists groups are not only conniving in their final execution of any form of attack but also in terms of their prepared messages through these propagandistic platforms. Severally, we have seen them execute people from their own backyards but not receiving much media attention as the ones targeted at western nations such as the US and UK. With a range of executions, beheadings and other malpractices being displayed, on social media, telecasts and so on, all being shared by the media, there could not be a better way to sell their agenda. By and large these groups act on the premise that new media is massive it terms of delivery and reachability; a single click could see their message go viral in an instance.
In response to the Robey’s views, propaganda and exactly by utilizing new media can be quite detrimental as much as it can facilitate their dissemination of their messages to the intended audiences. As discussed by Baudrillard, terrorist do what they do because of different reasons. One is because of their faith and what it promises them after death; upon death one is guaranteed heaven (paradise) and other issues to do with globalization and their remarkable share in the media, stock markets, technology and other powers but also putting their lif...
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