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The Disapproval Surrounding Euthanasia Among Societies (Essay Sample)

A question was provided, asking why euthanasia isn't accepted by societies. Write an essay in APA format with a minimum of 275 words. The essay should explore the different reasons behind the lack of acceptance of euthanasia. Include at least three scholarly references to support your arguments. Provide a comprehensive conclusion that synthesizes the various factors discussed. Ensure the essay is well-structured, with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. source..
The Disapproval Surrounding Euthanasia Among Societies By definition, Euthanasia refers to the process of a physician-assisted and consented death of a patient suffering from an incurable or painful disease (Euthanasia - MU School of Medicine, n.d.). The purpose of this process is the alleviation of pain for the patient, as well as the family. However, numerous concerns and arguments surrounding ethical, practical and religious dimensions have been raised continually within societies and communities across borders. One of the primary arguments against euthanasia is the loss of respect that a society might have for the sanctity of life, as a result of repeated usage of these processes (BBC - Ethics - Euthanasia: Anti-euthanasia Arguments, 2014). Additionally, it pushes forth the ideology that the lives of the sick and disabled are secondary to others, which does not lie in the best interests of the patient (Mitchell, 2004). Observing the procedure from a practical perspective, the facilitation and endorsement of euthanasia will contribute to a loss in the quality of care for the terminally ill, as it may prove to be an easy and cost-effective way to solve the “issue” of terminally ill patients, alongside discouraging the search for new cures. Most importantly, the approval and acceptance of this procedure may expose individuals to greater vulnerability and unfair expectations from families to end their lives (Mitchell, 2004). From a religious perspective, euthanasia is a process that goes against the will of God (Religious Perspectives on Euthanasia, n.d.), according to whom, all life is invaluable, and taking the life of any being, including oneself, is a grave sin. Conclusively, while Euthanasia has been introduced into society quite early on, its acceptance has always been minimal due to numerous belief systems within societies, and the potential negative impacts it may bring about, in the short as well as long run. Given the nature of this discussion, it is paramount that thoughtful reflection is carried out by all sections of society, to derive a balance between the concerns on bot...
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