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Current and Future Implications of AI Use (Essay Sample)

THE TASK WAS ABOUT THE IMPACTS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ON MODERN-DAY LIFE. AS IT TURNS OUT, THE CONTINUED DEVELOPMENT AND USE OF ai provides new opportunities for transforming and improving people's lives. Also, the development of ai provides businesses with new methods and stretegies of imrpoving customer experience and supporting business operations. source..
Current and Future Implications of AI Use Author name Institutional affiliation Course number and name Instructor name Assignment due date Current and Future Implications of AI Use Recent technological developments have transformed the way people live, socialize, and do business. Perhaps the most talked-about technological development today is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Introduced in the late 1950s and early 1960s, AI is a technology that enables machines to copy and imitate human activities. Notably, AI has been applied by leading technology companies like Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Tesla to simplify tasks and increase productivity in factories. Also, AI has been used to create and send robots to perform tasks considered too risky for humans. AI use has not come without its fair share of challenges and criticisms. Despite the current security concerns and criticisms, AI should be trusted because it has a safety track record and is not controlled by a few individuals or companies. The use of AI in factories and manufacturing sites is not new. Companies like Tesla, Apple, and SpaceX have been using AI-controlled robots in their production centers for decades with minimal safety concerns. In this respect, AI developers have built trust in users, customers, and the public. Notably, AI developers have timely responded to questions regarding future security and provided solutions for improving safety and reliability. Still, AI should be trusted because it is accessible to many developers and users. AI is accessible to all users with the technological infrastructure for development and maintenance; hence, cannot be controlled by a few developers and government agencies. Weapons automatization, market volatility, privacy violations, and bad data are the main issues att...
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