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Emerging Health Care Technology (Essay Sample)

Telehealth is an emerging healthcare technology that can overcome current and emerging barriers to care. Telehealth refers to using technology, including electronic health records, remote monitoring, and video conferencing, to provide remote healthcare services (Castaneda & Ellimoottil, 2020). Telehealth allows patients to obtain the needed healthcare from the comfort of their homes, thus minimizing the need for the patient to visit in person and increasing access to healthcare for people in underserved and rural areas (Castaneda & Ellimoottil, 2020). Based on promoting patient safety and quality as well as improving access to healthcare, telehealth provides an opportunity for more frequent check-ins with healthcare providers, which may be essential in ensuring early detection and treatment of chronic conditions (Castaneda & Ellimoottil, 2020). Telehealth allows for the adherence to medication and monitoring of vital signs, which may positively impact the patient's healthcare, thus reducing the risk of complications. Also, telehealth may improve communication between healthcare providers and patients, resulting in more effective and efficient healthcare (Castaneda & Ellimoottil, 2020). source..
Emerging Health Care Technology Student Full Name Institutional Affiliation Course Full Title Instructor Full Name Due Date Emerging Health Care Technology Telehealth is an emerging healthcare technology that can overcome current and emerging barriers to care. Telehealth refers to using technology, including electronic health records, remote monitoring, and video conferencing, to provide remote healthcare services (Castaneda & Ellimoottil, 2020). Telehealth allows patients to obtain the needed healthcare from the comfort of their homes, thus minimizing the need for the patient to visit in person and increasing access to healthcare for people in underserved and rural areas (Castaneda & Ellimoottil, 2020). Based on promoting patient safety and quality as well as improving access to healthcare, telehealth provides an opportunity for more frequent check-ins with healthcare providers, which may be essential in ensuring early detection and treatment of chronic conditions (Castaneda & Ellimoottil, 2020). Telehealth allows for the adherence to medication and monitoring of vital signs, which may positively impact the patient's healthcare, thus reducing the risk of complications. Also, telehealth may improve communication between healthcare providers and patients, resulting in more effective and efficient healthcare (Castaneda & Ellimoottil, 2020). Several legal and health issues may accompany the incorporation of telehealth into healthcare. Among the main concerns is the security and privacy of patient information since patients' sensitive information is transmitted through the internet, which is only partially secure (Markert, Sasangohar, Mortazavi & Fields, 2021). Also, the quality of healthcare provided under telehealth may be a concern as it may be challenging for healthcare providers to accurately assess and diagnose patients in remote areas. The informatics role of the nurses regarding the implementation of telehealth would be to ensure efficient and effective use of the technology adopted as well as ensure that patient information is transmitted, stored, and collected securely (Marker et al., 2021). The nurses would also be responsible for providing support to patients under the technology and training other healthcare providers on the use of telehealth technology. Based on job and role functions, nurses may apply telehealth technology to provide medication management, follow-up care, and virtual consultants (Marker et al., 2021). Nurses may also use remote monitoring devices to monitor medication adherence and track patients' vital signs. User-centered concepts, human factors, and workflow analysis are essential in telehealth technology implementation (Rhoads & Rakes, 2020). The user-centered design concept involves users in the design process and gathering feedback to improve the telehealth technology over time. Considerations in human factors include ensuring that the technology is designed with strict compliance of the user's needs and ensuring the technology is user-friendly and easily usable for both healthcare providers and patients (Rhoads & Rakes, 2020). Workflow analysis incorporates optimization and analysis of the process used in implementing telehealth technology, thus ensuring it is used most effectively and efficiently possible (Rhoads & Rakes, ...
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