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Students, Technology and Education (Essay Sample)

This essay compares how technology has aided education in the recent years. Learners have significantly bennefitted in using the most advanced technologies in their learning. For instance, digital simulations and models, have allowed students to grow their knowledge in various disciplines and get more acquainted with what is required of them. source..
Technology and Education Name Institution Course Date Technology and Education Over the years, various forms of education-technology aids have been developed. With the advent of these technological aids, students of today can now take in more information in a quicker and efficient manner. In traditional learning also referred as customary education, the society used progressive and repetitive practices that gave its students little progress. The methods that they centered, on encouraged students to participate in memorization as well as rote learning (Morisson, 2018). This meant that the main activity in which teachers were involved in was assigning primary activities to students and later watch them study and recite the content over a period and this process was again repeated on the progressive classes. The integrating of technology in education became an important tool as now students can maximize on their learning skills clinging to every opportunity presented. Understanding a concept in traditional learning was a daunting task for many students. With the coming up of digital simulations and models, students can get to understand various disciplines and get more acquainted with what is required of them. Digital simulations and models have also proved an effective tool for teachers too. Unlike traditional teaching, teachers can now explain technical concepts within the bounds of the classroom (Vockley, 2007). Technology enables them to prepare the lessons to be taught in a more strategic manner with various types of texts bringing out the intended meaning and activity models that will raise student interaction. Technology has also eased the hectic process of research that took place in traditional forms of education. In the past, research could only be performed in libraries and students had to flip through volumes of books to try find what they are looking for. Getting a hold of the volumes of books themselves was a hectic task as each student was struggling to use the limited resources. With the coming up of smart search engines and cloud storage students can nowadays get answers to research questions easily a within a short period of time (Kessler, 2010). Also, students can upload their researches to various cloud storage, and this can later be used by other students who will be performing the same research. Instructors on the other hand also have an easy time researching on the subject matter in which to teach their students. Therefore, by the time they will be imparting knowledge, they will have full facts on what they are teaching. In case they are unsure of a fact being taught, instructors can be able to perform a quick research to ascertain the claim The coming up of grading systems in schools as well as colleges has made easy the work of teachers when it comes to assigning grades to their students. Also, these systems give teachers the opportunity to know which students they will be rendering special attention to. Students on the other hand can use various learning platforms to communicate with their teachers concerning how they will improve on their grades. Teachers can assign slow students’ assignments as well offer them training through these platforms. With time, these students will improve their skills slowly and steadily till they are able to achieve the goals in place (Wantulok, 2015). Also, this very technology offers instructors and students access to information that cannot be found in books. This information makes students resourceful in their studies through conducting minor researches for their homework and also during their free time, they can engage in personal research. Boredom is an issue that was facing many students who engaged in traditional learning. With each student having different concentration spans and conflicting personalities, long classes as well as lectures would lead to students being bored. Technology has increased the activities being carried out within the walls of the classroom. Smart technology such as projectors have made students concentrate more, learning through the slides instead of struggling to listen to the instructor dictating notes (Tabata, 2008). Students also find it interesting when they can be clearly shown what they’re learning through diagrams projected on the wall. They will be able to understand what they are being taught better and in the cases of misunderstanding they will be readily available to ask the necessary questions. Conclusion As observed, with the inventi...
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