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Industrialization in One Country Causes De-Industrialization in Another Country. (Essay Sample)

Description Have to use microsoft word footnote. 1925words including the footnotes. Have to refer to the literature Recommendations: Kristine Bruland et al. eds., Reinventing the Economic History of Industrialisation (Montreal, 2020). Giorgio Riello, Cotton: The Fiber That Made the Modern World (Cambridge, 2013). Classic works: A. Toynbee, Lectures on the Industrial Revolution in England (London, 1884). S.J. Chapman, The Cotton Industry and Trade (London, 1905). T.S. Ashton, The Industrial Revolution 1760-1830 (Oxford, 1948). Important works: Eric J. Hobsbawm, Industry and Empire: An Economic History of England from 1750 (London, 1968). Pat Hudson, The Industrial Revolution (London, 1992). N.F.R. Crafts, British Economic Growth during the Industrial Revolution (Oxford, 1985). Maxine Berg, Luxury & Pleasure in Eighteenth-Century Britain (Oxford, 2005). Eric Williams, Capitalism and Slavery (Chapel Hill, NC, 1944). Joseph E. Inikori, Africans and the Industrial Revolution in England: A Study in International Trade and Economic Development (Cambridge, 2002). source..
Industrialization in One Country Causes De-Industrialization in Another Country. Student’s name: Class information: Professor name: Date: Industrialization is due to economic and technological changes evolving every day from the early societies up to date. The industrialization process leads to social development, and this triggers many communities to free labor. Thus, many primary sectors collapsed for manufacturing industries' support and made many countries realize remarkable growth and switch to the upcoming industrial strategy. Industrialization in one country may increase the industrial process in other small countries. Thus, industrialization supports automation since most larger countries obtain a large part of the manufacturing share. Small countries are open to economic activities. Thus, they grow economically through export services impact much on industrial activities. Therefore, the essay will disagree with the statement since industrial technology influences industrial development in another country. As the trade ware developed in most parts of Britain in the trade of coal and iron, the business was most notably as implied by Adam Smith and implied mostly in export fir the less developed countries. The trade was implied in most Birmingham parts and led to increased employment in the regions. Like most parts of England, the cotton manufacturer was very simple, which impacted most countries to develop in their industries. Most of the machines implied in the manufacturing of cotton were simple in likely most parts like in India for the combination of cotton, leading to developing other developing countries. Most of the machines used in cotton manufacturing to create most countries' trade, the demand reduced as the invention of the most request was most demanded. The water communication process improved recursively as deepening the rivers that are serving the area. Most of the London merchants invested in manufacturing industries and led to an increase in most small countries. The highest wages imposed in most developing countries have the highest demand that influences demand in the operation that improved the agricultural in more extensive scale.[Riello, Giorgio. Cotton: the fabric that made the modern world. (Cambridge University Press, 2013.)] [Chapman, Sydney John. The Cotton Industry and Trade. (Methuen, 1905.)] According to Oxford History of the British Empire by Crafts. Many historians and contemporaries emphasize technical changes within the 19th century. The railway, telegraph, developments, and steamship in medicine brought the metropolis and colony closer and positively affected the global economy. Advance to free trade and responsible governments lead to a decline in the colonial systems. American civil war also leads to a review of the British colony in Canada and globally. The British expansion force also posed a tremendous change for imperial expansion and a move to formal agreements. It ensured an agreement fair to both the developed and developing countries ensured a mutual benefit. These arguments posed a backwash on Africa's debate, and the assumed 'New Imperialism' from the 1880s. Most scholars and contemporaries of the Emperor's heyday in African division explained colonial extension in terms of military policies and external challenges between 1780 and 1860. Around 1780 and 1815, France was the most significant "enemy" to British rule. Inland India's invasion, the early colonial activities in Egypt, the capturing of the Cape, and the charge into the South-East Asian seas were all seen as efforts to counterbalance France's or her proxy Dutch influence. The line of reasoning still attracts the support of approaching historians' imperial history from a foreign affairs perspective.[Ashton, T. S. "The Industrial Revolution (1760-1830)(p. 162)." (1948).] [Ibid] [Crafts, Nicholas FR. British economic growth during the industrial revolution. (Oxford University Press, USA, 1985.)] The global expansion of European colonialism brought about the spread of the industrial revolution, which contributed to industrialization. Most colonized countries changed their trade strategy to match the European countries. Newly industrializing countries eventually became sellers in the markets for machine-produced and natural goods. With industrialization advancing even in the less developed countries, demand for spices, sugar, and raw materials superseded the slave market demand. The colonial governments eventually experienced pressure from industrialized developing nations and thus opted to agree on an open but regulated free market. Furthermore, an adaptation of non-industrialized countries to enjoy higher-good benefits in terms of existing property and land, creation and availability of labor in agricultural and mining works, and spread in use and money exchange bridged the gap between the industrialized and industrializing nations.[Bruland, Kristine, Anne Gerritsen, Pat Hudson, and Giorgio Riello, eds. Reinventing the economic history of industrialization. (McGill-Queen's Press-MQUP, 2020.)] English manufactures development impacted most of the incoming countries' development and reconcile its prosperity to trade products. In the eighteenth century, the manufacturing industries reduced the population change in rural areas. Since most of the standard fields were reduced and become a wasteland for many people involved in industrial areas, they improved agriculture to the scientific model. As the factory systems become independents in their machinery growth, most trade's full expansion leads to excellent advanced communication. In the most significant town stimulus, the trade's extension from the machine introduction in many parts of the small countries. In small countries such as Norway, the state of technology began increasing. It resulted in the Norwegian to plan a strategy to cope with the manufacturing status and manage the families. Industrialization has brought more advantages over de-industrialization in most countries. For many years, automation has been an essential instrument in the economy for development. Through industrialization, productivity has improved and has allowed mass production of goods in industries and companies, increasing the standard of living. During the 8000-5000 B.C, human living standards and productivity had remained unchanged until the start of industrialization in 1760 in Great Britain. We have witnessed more goods in less time through industrialization, increased income, and an increase in time for leisure and recreation. Significant industrial changes in the Western region occurred during the industrial revolution in the 19th and 18th centuries.[Toynbee, Arnold. "Lectures on the Industrial Revolution in England (1884). (" Introduced the idea of the industrial revolution into English historiography a century ago and still worth reading (2011).)] [Ibid] [Ibid] [Hobsbawm, Eric J. Industry and empire: the making of modern English society, 1750 to the present day. (Pantheon Books, 1968._] Learning from theoretical advances and development theory, "Africans and the Industrial Revolution in England" explains technological and market development expansion. England's industrialization process has expanded due to Atlantic commerce throughout 1650-1850. Africans have played a significant contribution to the large-scale production of the product in the Americas. Overseas trade has increased due to the industrial revolution and the use of new machines in many factories, thus reducing humans' use in many challenging jobs. The machinery improved the goods produced since the devices are high-speed and perform a perfect industrial product. Most of the raw materials were coming from Africa countries, leading to an increase in technology since the developed countries invested most with African countries. Africa produces an export commodity used to expand industry in Europe and America cause the growth of industrialization in both continents. Africa has also benefited from this process. The most significant contribution to the Atlantic World's economic history in a century was the Industrial Revolution in England and Africans. England contributed a lot to Africa's growth since most proved new machinery was spread and accessible in Africa. Thus, industrialization in England government impacted the Africa growth and the revolution from agricultural to modern machines.[Inikori, Joseph E. Africans and the Industrial Revolution in England: A study in international trade and economic development. (Cambridge University Press, 2002.)] [Ibid] Most of the grown countries economically witnessed a significant shift due to industrialization. Some of these countries include the United States, China, Great Britain, France, and Germany. Several methods of generating the economy in these countries that happened to be used led to their economic growth. Specialization is one of the methods which enables workers to perform an activity better through training and education. Many people trained and served a single line of jobs and impacted the more perfect goods produced. Discipline aimed to improve the production of quality goods in the industry. When a person can do what he/she is good at, the services or goods produced are usually of the highest quality leading to economic growth, unlike when the goods are created by people who are not qualified in a specific job.[Eric, Williams. "Capitalism and slavery." (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina (1944).)] The second method is to improved capital goods, which leads to more goods production per hour of labor. A good example is the invention of computers, which came to save a lot of sweat and time a man uses to do a task. It has led to improved work quality, which is done in less time with no supervision needed. The invention of the computer is one of the innovations in human life that has considerably benefited human be...
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