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Most Famous in the Wolrd (Essay Sample)


The paper asked for the description of the most famous person in the world. This paper cites nelson Mandela as the point of discussion


In this world, there are many famous people recognized for various acts that benefit humankind. These individuals have in one way or another dedicated their lives towards the course of promoting the progress of humankind. Their efforts are recognized all over the world and thus they hold special places in history books for their continued positive efforts in the world. These efforts range from economical, social, environmental, political, and entertainment spheres. One such particular individual is the late Nelson Mandela whose efforts were recognized in the entire world. Mandela was famous for his efforts in fighting for the rights of the oppressed, unifying the South African nation as well as his courageous efforts in forgiving his detractors.
Perhaps the most talked about element in Mandela’s history is his efforts in fighting for the rights of the oppressed. From his days at the University of Witwatersrand, Mandela saw the oppression that was existent in the society. There was a lot of racial discrimination, which he was not afraid to challenge. He continued to push for the rights of the oppressed even in his days at the helm of ANC leadership. These actions did not auger well with the authorities and thus he was often arrested and tried several times. This form of courageousness and unselfish acts earned Mandela lot of fame in the world.
Another fact that makes Mandela very popular is attributed to the way he united the South African nation. For most of the time he was spearheading the struggle, South Africa was dodged by the problem of apartheid and social segregation. Mandela continued to advocate for the right of the oppressed while still in prison at Robben Island. While in prison, Mandela was well known for his efforts in understanding the struggles of his fellow prisoners. His continued fight to oppose the apartheid regime brought him worldwide admiration. Upon his, release Mandela advocated for equality and the need to eliminate discrimination in the vast South African state.
In order to achieve the efforts of uniting the republic of South Africa, Mandela had to advocate for the need to forge forgiveness. Upon his election as the first president of independent South Africa, Mandela saw the need to heal the wounds of the once divided nation. He agreed to forgive his oppressors much to the amazement of the entire South Africa and the world as whole. This act earned him much fame and respect all over the world. He was to be bestowed the position of a global statesman and even earned a Noble peace price for his selfless efforts. Such was his fame that the entire world was shocked upon his demise in 2013. More than 100 hundred leaders from all over the globe attended his funeral. This truly indicates the level of fame that Mandela have in his lifetime.
It is evident that Nelson Mandela was a famous person who was adored by many people around the globe. His efforts towards fighting for equality in human kind earned him a lot of respect. His selfless nature made him a global icon with lot adoration. Mandela was able to fight for the rights of the oppressed and even earned imprisonment for his effort....
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