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Trumpies: Exploring the Subculture through Visual Art (Essay Sample)

Subcultures in Visual Art Write an essay on the subculture of the "Trumpies", USA, the "alternative right". Analyze this "Subculture" by using 2 pieces of visual art. The visual art to be used are : the "Make America Great Again" banner textile and the online memes of "Pepe the Frog". With using these two pieces of textile and digital visual art, explain why your case should be regarded as sub-cultural and describe its appearances in terms of style. Describe how style is expressed and characterized within this sub-culture transdisciplinary. Explain why and what theoretical framework you use to analyze this specific sub-culture. Make references to how this subcultures relates to earlier styles in history, such as Nazi Ideology. Using Chicago Style referencing, paraphrase with footnotes and page numbers. source..
Trumpies: Exploring the Subculture through Visual Art Name of Student Institution Course Instructor Date Trumpies: Exploring the Subculture through Visual Art Introduction The American "Trumpies" subculture, which is frequently related with the "alternative right," is a unique phenomenon that can be examined from the perspective of visual art. This paper will look at a few notable pieces of visual art connected to this subculture: the "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) banner in textile as well as the internet memes featuring "Pepe the Frog." Through an exploration of these artistic creations, this paper will contend that the "Trumpies" subculture warrants to be acknowledged as a distinct subculture. It will also examine this subculture's stylistic expressions and the ways in which it defines and presents itself in various contexts. "Make America Great Again" Banner Textile Within the Trumpie’s subculture, the “MAGA” banner serves both as an emblem and a slogan with regard to their goals and aspirations. The bright red color used in the background attracts people and projects a mood of enthusiasm and urgency. The tagline is displayed prominently and conveys a powerful, self-assured message in all caps. Utilizing the patriotic color scheme of red, white, and blue harmonizes with classic American symbols, forging a visual connection to patriotism. The structure of the banner itself implies a rallying cry or a call to action. Ultimately, the MAGA banner's aesthetics and symbolism combine to create a powerful visual portrayal of the Trumpies subculture that fosters a sense of cohesion and purpose.[Craig, Shannon. "Make America Great Again: Xenophobia and Nationalism in the Trump Era." PhD diss., Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies, 2019.] [Craig, Shannon. "Make America Great Again: Xenophobia and Nationalism in the Trump Era." PhD diss., Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies, 2019.] [Craig, Shannon. "Make America Great Again: Xenophobia and Nationalism in the Trump Era." PhD diss., Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies, 2019.] Examining the historical allusions incorporated into the MAGA banner offers valuable perspectives on the origins and impact of the subculture. Notably, the visual representation gains additional layers of meaning due to the red caps' historical use in political activities. Historically, red caps have been connected to protest and populist movements as a way to express a desire for change and a sense of community. The Trumpies subculture fits into a larger historical narrative of grassroots movements by embracing this component. This banner's significance stems from its relationship to historical symbols, which both affirms its unique character within modern politics and fosters a sense of continuity with earlier movements.[Craig, Shannon. "Make America Great Again: Xenophobia and Nationalism in the Trump Era." PhD diss., Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies, 2019.] [Craig, Shannon. "Make America Great Again: Xenophobia and Nationalism in the Trump Era." PhD diss., Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies, 2019.] The colors, typefaces, and slogans used in the MAGA banner have a significant influence on the visual language used by the Trumpies subculture. The striking use of red, a hue linked to enthusiasm and energy, draws attention and exudes urgency. The simple and uncomplicated font selection highlights simplicity and clarity, fitting well with the direct communication style of the subculture. "Make America Great Again" is a call to action that also alludes to a time in American history that is thought to have been particularly outstanding. A simple phrase combined with a purposeful utilization of patriotic colors results in a visually appealing and emotionally impactful work of visual art. Essentially, the MAGA banner's selection of colors, typefaces, and slogans functions as a calculated visual language that successfully conveys the goals and objectives of the Trumpies subculture.[Young Jr, Joseph. Allegiance by Design: Visual Identities in Reference to Political Ideology and Brand Loyalty. Kent State University, 2021.] [Young Jr, Joseph. Allegiance by Design: Visual Identities in Reference to Political Ideology and Brand Loyalty. Kent State University, 2021.] "Pepe the Frog" Memes In internet comics, "Pepe the Frog" was first introduced as a kind and innocent figure. It developed into a popular online meme with a variety of expressions and interpretations over time. Pepe adopted a new persona within the Trumpies subculture and turned it into a symbol of solidarity and shared values. Its acceptance in this subculture can be attributed to the meme's adaptability, which enables users to express a variety of feelings and concepts. The Trump supporters adopted Pepe as their digital persona, utilizing its diverse incarnations to convey their opinions ranging from humor to political analysis. The way that Pepe has developed from a straightforward comic figure to a symbol that is intricately woven within the Trumpies subculture's visual culture shows how dynamically online memes shape and reflect collective identities.[Heiskanen, Benita. "Meme-ing electoral participation." European Journal of American Studies 12, no. 12-2 (2017).'] [Dafaure, Maxime. "The "great meme war:" The alt-right and its multifarious enemies." Angles. New Perspectives on the Anglophone World 10 (2020).] [Heiskanen, Benita. "Meme-ing electoral participation." European Journal of American Studies 12, no. 12-2 (2017).'] Pepe the Frog is a valuable tool in the digital sphere that enables members of the Trumpies subculture to express a variety of feelings and viewpoints. Users can convey humor, discontent, and even opinions about politics through many variants of Pepe. A joyful Pepe, for instance, may be used to highlight joyous events, yet a sad or reflective Pepe could represent complex political feelings. Pepe's essential simplicity allows for a multitude of interpretations, which promotes inclusivity within the subculture. It turns into a common language that breaks down traditional linguistic barriers and enables Trumpies to connect and communicate visually. Pepe the Frog transforms into a virtual canvas in this fashion, expressing the range of feelings and viewpoints inherent in the Trumpies subculture.[Heiskanen, Benita. "Meme-ing electoral participation." European Journal of American Studies 12, no. 12-2 (2017).'] [Heiskanen, Benita. "Meme-ing electoral participation." European Journal of American Studies 12, no. 12-2 (2017).'] The transdisciplinary nature of Pepe the Frog is demonstrated by its influence, which transcends the digital sphere. Through various sorts of goods, the meme has effectively transitioned from online platforms to real-world locations. Pepe's likeness has been used to create physical representations of the Trumpies subculture on anything from stickers and posters to clothes and accessories. This change highlights the meme's capacity to unite the virtual and physical worlds, reinforcing its influence on the larger cultural scene. Pepe's transdisciplinary presence in items speaks to the subculture's ambition to express itself outside of the internet sphere. It adds to a more concrete and ubiquitous visual language that permeates daily life.[Heiskanen, Benita. "Meme-ing electoral participation." European Journal of American Studies 12, no. 12-2 (2017).'] [Dafaure, Maxime. "The "great meme war:" The alt-right and its multifarious enemies." Angles. New Perspectives on the Anglophone World 10 (2020).] [Heiskanen, Benita. "Meme-ing electoral participation." European Journal of American Studies 12, no. 12-2 (2017).'] Expression of Style within the Trumpies Subculture Style in the Trumpies subculture is shown through unique wardrobe selections that support a common visual identity. One distinctive aspect of this subcultural fashion is the red "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) caps that everyone wears. Supporters proudly wear these caps as a fashion statement and a pledge of loyalty to the Trump campaign. The subculture's passionate and exuberant mentality is complemented by the striking red color, which draws attention to itself. A sense of clarity is added to the overall style by the design's simplicity, which emphasizes a clear and direct statement of political support through the embroidered white letters.[Forscher, Patrick S., and Nour S. Kteily. "A psychological profile of the alt-right." Perspectives on Psychological Science 15, no. 1 (2020): 90-116.] [Forscher, Patrick S., and Nour S. Kteily. "A psychological profile of the alt-right." Perspectives on Psychological Science 15, no. 1 (2020): 90-116.] Other apparel pieces, in addition to the recognizable red caps, add to the Trumpies subculture's display of flair. The movement's slogans, pictures, or symbols are frequently featured on t-shirts, coats, and accessories, forming a unified visual language. Wearing certain clothes becomes a way for people to convey who they are and what politics they believe to the larger subcultural community. In addition to serving as an external symbol of political identification, this fashion-driven statement of style helps Trumpies feel more unified and like they belong. People in the subculture actively contribute to creating and maintaining the visual identity that characterizes the Trumpies' unique style through the clothes they wear.[Young Jr, Joseph. Allegiance by Design: Visual Identities in Reference to Political Ideology and Brand Loyalty. Kent State University, 2021.] Visual signals that distinguish Trumpies subculture from mainstream society help to define their style of expression, giving them a unique and identifiable identity. Using particular symbols and catchphrases that are strongly connected to the movement is one obvious way to set them apart. The MAGA caps serve as a visual credential, signifying loyalty to the subculture, w...
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