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The Future Challenges For Health Care Management (Essay Sample)


the task entailed a discussion on main challenges facing the the health care sector namely demographic shift, the pace of technological innovation, change of user and consumer expectations and escalating costs because of the economic recession.


The Future Challenges For Health Care Management
The Future Challenges for Health Care Management
Global policy makers are optimistic about the future of the health care and its management. In both developing and developed countries, the healthcare sector covers an approximate 8 percent to 15 percent of their respective economies. This makes it one of the principal industries in the globe. However, there exist possible future challenges likely to frustrate efforts meant to normalize the healthcare management. All developed countries’ health care systems experience four main challenges, namely demographic shift, the pace of technological innovation, change of user and consumer expectations and escalating costs because of the economic recession.
Technological innovations increase the ability to control chronic diseases and results to prolonged life. Such innovations in pharmaceuticals, surgery, and diagnostics improve ways to cure or manage diseases pose challenges in the healthcare management. This is because of the possible new treatments that are usually expensive than existing ones. Managers face the difficulties in reducing the costs of innovations and treatment expenses while maintaining or improving the expected revenue. In addition, medical personnel discover new therapies for diseases and medical conditions that were previously untreatable. However, it becomes ever more difficult to manage new medical conditions that require continued research and innovations.
The demographic challenge results from an increase in the number of the elderly people globally. The majority of the elderly population uses heavier and demanding healthcare systems and services. The rate of sustaining the health of the elderly increases daily. Treatment of their complex and chronic health conditions becomes expensive. In addition, wider populations, especially in developed countries have acquired chronic diseases that require continuous management. According to the World Health Organization, the increase in the chronic diseases is attributed to drug use, especially tobacco and alcohol, and physical inactivity and unhealthy diets.
Dynamism in user and consumer expectations is the second future challenge facing the healthc

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