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The essay analyzes the 1917 race riot in Houston. It concentrates on the causes of the violence. It also elaborates on the effects of the troops' conditions before, during, and after the riots. It is based on analysis of articles. the sources prove that racial tensions started the riots during that era. They highlight the systemic racism that has persisted throughout American history. Therefore, they show the need for continued efforts to address the injustices in modern society source..
ANALYSIS OF THE HISTORICAL ISSUE OF VIOLENCE BETWEEN POLICE OFFICERS AND AFRICAN AMERICANS Name Course Name Due Date The 1917 race riot in Houston illustrates the conflict between African Americans and the police. Discrimination was a problem at the start of the 20th century. Jim Crow laws were in force at that time in the US. The laws constrained African Americans' freedom in the US. Moreover, the riots also took place in the First World War. During the war, African Americans from the South moved to northern cities for jobs. Increased racial tensions accompanied the influx. The increase of Black residents during that time provoked hostile responses from the white community. The essay analyzes the 1917 race riot in Houston. It concentrates on the causes of the violence. It also elaborates on the effects of the troops' conditions before, during, and after the riots. The materials used in the study provide insightful information about the 1917 race riot in Houston. The proof comes from reputable newspapers that reported on the matter. One story about the Houston mutiny was published in the Outlook newspaper. The article provided enough details to explain the 1917 riot further. The New York Times wrote another story to examine the rioting in Houston. It gave information on individuals who died in the violence. Additionally, the Texas Historical Commission's brief video on the subject is used to offer additional context. However, the newspaper pieces are from the early twentieth century. As a result, they display biases that were characteristic of the period. The language used in these articles reflects the prevalent racial prejudices at the time. The way events are recounted reveals these biases. The biases are also evident in how individuals are portrayed.[Outlook Magazine. “The Houston Mutiny.” Outlook Magazine, 1917.] [Texas Historical Commission. “Houston Riot of 1917.” July 14, 2017. Video, 4.05.] Violent outbursts brought on riots in Houston. African-American troops were involved in the violence. An altercation between African-American forces and local police officers was the first catalyst for the violence. The troops were detained for causing a disturbance in Houston. However, things became worse when an ambulance tried to drive past the area where the African-American soldiers were stationed. A tense situation resulted from the troops stopping the ambulance. The troops started firing as the encounter descended into chaos. Police officers and nearby residents died as a result of the event. The increase in violence highlights how explosive racial relations were at the time in the United States. As a result, it resulted in the horrific events of the 1917 Houston riot.[New York Times. “Negro Regulars Riot near Houston, Texas; Twelve Whites Killed, a Score Wounded”. New York Times, August 24, 1917.] [Outlook Magazine. “The Houston Mutiny.” Outlook Magazine, 1917.] The violence was also started by the racial prejudice ingrained in American society. The segregation led to systemic racism that affected all African American lives. Segregation was the norm during that period. Moreover, the African Americans were targeted by law enforcement. The violence was also brought by the influx of African American soldiers stationed in Houston during World War I. The soldiers were stationed there to serve as guards while constructing a training camp for Illinois troops. The soldiers experienced the racial hatred of the era. Their presence in the city created a volatile environment because they were of African-American descent. Therefore, it created more animosity because they were not expecting to be treated like African-American civilians.[Texas Historical Commission. “Houston Riot of 1917.” July 14, 2017. Video, 4.05.] The actions of the soldiers during the riot tainted their military service records. Some of them were also dishonorably discharged from their duties. Military service offered African Americans a sense of honor before the riot. It also gave them a promise of equality that was denied to them in c...
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