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Rural to Urban Transect and the Smart Code Assignment (Essay Sample)


the task was about examining the smart code and Rural to Urban Transect. this sample examines whether Rural to Urban Transect and the Smart Code is a smart innovation.


Rural to Urban Transect and the Smart Code
Professor’s Name
The rural-to-urban Transect and Smart code are innovative concepts. This is because traditional concepts of urbanism are reflected in fragmented, unsatisfying fragmented suburban and a disintegrated urban area which is not the case in rural-to-urban and Smart Code. The urban-to-rural Transect and provides an ecological system that draws human settlement along a spectrum that ranges from rural to more populated urban areas. The urban-to-rural is innovative in the sense that it designs and develops "immersive environments”. Meaning that urban area are designed in such a manner that the whole is big than the sum of the urban sections CITATION Dou12 \l 1033 (Douglas 2012). By classifying elements of urbanism from rural to urban, each item is placed correctly within its continuum. On the other hand, Smart code is also innovative in the sense that it combines aspects of conventional subdivision codes, zoning codes as well as overlaying districts to come up with an integrated document. The intent of the smart code is to replace the existing rigid zones codes with new simple, coherent, clear and breaking codes. The smart code is an open system that provides a code criteria that can be locally calibrated CITATION Dou12 \l 1033 (Douglas 2012). It facilitates smart growth across all scales, integrating blocks, building, neighborhoods and regions as well as land use and transportation. With the flexibility that is offered by Smart Code and the use transect municipalities can cover various concerns that range from housing to water management and transport.
One of the positive implications for zoning and sustainable development is that municipal desig...
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