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Women Have Struggled to Attain Equality in Their Role, Hard Work, Value and Freedom in the Society (Essay Sample)

Role of Women in the Society The work of Anne Bradstreet is a demonstrate of role of women in the American society. This is because literature has been viewed as a masculine activity among the Americans. And it is ironic and interesting that Anne became the first author and a publisher preaching of feminism, something that contradicted with Puritan values and her identity as a female. Formerly the role of women in the society was bound by patriarchal rules as, they were to be submissive to their family and not supposed to take roles that seemed to overpower men. women in America as evident by Anne Bradstreet, their value in the community was not recognized and when they tried to make advances towards feminism, they ended up being despised by the society. They lacked freedom of speech in regard to matters affecting women welfare, they were taught how to lead religious life through learning the bible. source..
Women Have Struggled to Attain Equality in Their Role, Hard Work, Value and Freedom in the Society Role of Women in the Society The work of Anne Bradstreet is a demonstrate of role of women in the American society. This is because literature has been viewed as a masculine activity among the Americans. And it is ironic and interesting that Anne became the first author and a publisher preaching of feminism, something that contradicted with Puritan values and her identity as a female. Anne lived in a male dominated society, while she embraced the male chauvinism, through her work she questioned the role of women in the community. The puritan society contradicted with the views of Bradstreet. It was such an era in America where patriarchal family structures ruled and women were supposed to obey instructions as given without any question or opinions. This is evident at the beginning of the poem where she writes ‘To sing of wars of captains and kings of cities founded, common wealth was begun, for my mean pen are too superior things, or how they all, or each their dates have run, let poets and historian set these forth’. It just indicates the perception held on matriarchal structures and only played minor roles in the society. To her poets should record historical events so as to give women justice. At the end of her poem she quotes ‘Let Greeks be Greeks, and women what they are, men have precedency and still excel, it is unjust to wage war as men can do best and women knows that pretty well’. Ann Bradstreet admits that men defeat women in most roles and women are aware of that, however the society should acknowledge the actions of women as well. According to her, it is unnecessary to fight over dominance in the society rather acknowledging the role of women in the society can be a great value towards society role congruence. Such a prominent term, even while feminism rights are strong, women have still continued to fight for equality in the society. Anne in her art work decries for recognition and value of women in the society. This is portrayed in one of the stanza “who says may hand a needle better fits, a poet’s pen all scorn I should thus wrong, for such despite they cast of female wits, if what I do prove well, it won’t advance, they will say it’s stol’n or else it was by chance’’. According to her even if she has extraordinary writing skills, just because she is a female, no one can recognize her efforts instead the society believe it’s a copied article and it can be her own work. In regard to the role of women in the society, their hard work value and freedom, they have struggled to attain equality in the society. The patriarchal structures have continued to reign as evident in the writing work of Anne. Thus there is need for breaking the oppressive limits that have been set on women, by advocating for women rights. A daughter, wife and mother, Anne, born in England just like other female was bound by patriarchal rules of identity and property ownership. At a younger age she attained the prize of education that set her apart from other girls. So upon marriage to her husband, Puritan an American, through England innovations that led to bible translations, Anne was raised in Puritan religious and society practices. In this society women were taught to read inorder to be able to learn the bible and only a few knew how to write as it was believed women had no need of learning how to write. Throughout her marriage as a woman she became aware of puritan values related to marriage and the gender roles associated that she had to take up. The society was strictly controlled by men and all women were supposed at the custodial of their husband’s care. Thus women lacked freedom to air their opinions or question anything in the society. All they could do was to follow orders given by the patriarchal systems. Thus based on Puritan society women struggled to attain equality and as men over dominated. In today’s world, the role of women has tremendously changed, and that has greatly impacted the society. Many years ago, even referring to Anne’s art of work, women contributed less to the society and lacked a voice as men dominated the society. The role of women has changed as they have taken great part in the society and have ventured into great professional careers of politics, law, business, art and medicine. Formerly women were despised for making advances is such roles and the society never recognized their efforts. Women today in America have acquired education on themselves without having to rely on the society to educate them. The women movement rights and campaigns is an example of how women have mad...
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