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Ageing (Essay Sample)




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Ageing refers to the process of getting old. Most people do not want to grow old because of the negative perceptions they have towards the aged. One of the classes I attended during this semester was dedicated to ageing. The professor taught us some new concepts and ideas, which include ageism, height and age, dementia and ageism. This paper is a reflection of these concepts and the impact they had on me.
The analysis of ageism by Dunbabin was important to me because of the experience I had with a group of boys insulting an old woman. The boys were abusing this woman because of her inability to see and walk straight. In his analysis of ageism, Dunbabin (2013) explains that it is a discriminative and stereotyping word. Only after this class I realized the negative perception the boys had towards the elderly woman. These biased perceptions pushed them to offend and improperly treat the aforementioned woman. One of the features of the woman that boys laughed at was her reduced height.
Dunbabin (2013) explains that the reduction of height is a major characteristic of an aging person. This is a concept that had an impact on me because of the sensitivity I have regarding my height and weight. I am a person who does physical exercises and keeps my body fit. The mere fact, with time, my body weight and height will reduce instills fear in me. However, it is a normal process that everybody has to pass through, and I am not an exception. Another vulnerability that an aged person faces is dementia (Johnson & Chang 2009, p. 79).
My concern regarding dementia was because of my father. He is getting old and it is difficult for him to remember conversations. In their article, the World Health Organization investigates issues concerned with aging and dementia (Prince, Guerchet & Prina 2015). The organization explains that dementia is increasing because of the growth of aging population. To help the aging population, clinicians have to observe ethics while performing their duties (Westwood 2014). Personally, I opine that knowledge from this class will help me in my future career of a clinician, because of the skills acquired, namely the capability of handling depressed people and understanding psychology of the aged. It is difficult to handle an aged person without understanding their psychology (Raza, Raza, Qamar & Liaqat, 2015).
The concepts learnt in this class are useful to anybody who seeks profession in the care of the elderly. This class was not boring, and the course material was thought-provoking. This is beneficial, because it allows a student to think about a problem and devise a solution to it. Scholars such as Dunbabin have experience in health affairs and teaching health care issues. Students will get reliable and accurate information by reading their writings and attending their lecturers. The article by the World Health ...
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