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The Pangaea Exhibition (Essay Sample)


write a report of your The Pangaea Exhibition specifically Saatchi Gallery trip


The Pangaea Exhibition
The Pangaea Exhibition specifically Saatchi Gallery reveal essential relevance with concern to display methods, model of lighting and labeling (Durbin, 1996, p.18).
The display of the arts shows a linear or systematic columnar representation of the art graphics. The display of the ants on the wall reveals a typical natural way of the existence of the ants in their natural locality. The display portrays an equal similarity and proper rational drawing or picture corresponding to the wall. Proper selection of a background white or light color on the wall enables proper visibility of the art. This scenario enables excellent presentation and appreciation of the art. The display presents a stream or path of hundreds of the ants migrating or moving from one place to another in a unidirectional manner. At some points, the ants converge revealing the exact natural behavior of the ants while travelling or in search for food in their natural habitat (Durbin, 1996, p.198).
There is selection of natural lighting, use of white color for background and black color for the ants that presents a lovable piece of work. The audience gets the mouthwatering appreciation of the long streak of the path taken by the ants and the meandering path taken is the ants are excellently natural. The room equally presents consistent lighting scenario. The lighting presents a scene where all the edges are darker as compared to the inner sections of the wall. The selective lighting creates brighter, popping out the section of the arts while neglecting edges and thus presents a sense of a bigger space in the room.
Labeling process for the arts is undertaken at collected points with few words elaborating of source of the art. The labeling is u...
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