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Technology in Communication (Essay Sample)
The task was about the benefits of technology in human communication. This sample shows how technology has aided human communication.
Technology in Communication
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Technology in Communication
Communication is an essential component in the everyday life of humans. It is the way in which we convey messages between one another in order to arrive at an understanding. There a number of ways in which people communicate and they include; verbal communication, which entails using face to face conversations, phones, radio calls etc. Non- verbal communication on the other hand, is the use of gestures and signs. Written communication is the use of books, articles, essays and reports. Technology on the other hand, is the modification of existing things in order to make work easier. Initially, technology started by improving natural resources into simple tools that made human labour reduced. An example of such a tool is a hoe which was created using natural resources to plough land other than using bare hands.
Technology has enabled people to come up with very many applications that help in communication (Williams & Hartley, 1990, p.9). There are applications in the social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Skype and WhatsApp which are technology based applications. These social networks enable people from far and different cultures to communicate without moving physically from place to place and within short time duration. For instance, a person in Great Britain can make a video call via Skype to a person in Asia and have the ability to communicate as if they were conversing face to face. During earlier centuries, one had to go to a shop or mall in order to purchase goods. Technology has changed this because a buyer is able to buy necessities through the internet as a result of what we call E-commerce. One can even buy things from different continents and await delivery. These are just a few examples of the way in which communication has been aided by technology.
Relationships have always been known to be an interpersonal issue because of the constant communication required. However, with the help of technology very many dating sites have been created. This in effect lessens the jobs of going out there to look for someone potential who has the character and specifications of your choice. On these dating sites you find all people interested in dating, their descriptions and what they are looking for in a prospective relationship.
As much as technology has taken over, it is still improving or rather being modified every day that passes by and this will have a great effect in the future. The use of thick textbooks will be done away with because of the invention of digital textbooks in the near future. These books will be equipped with artificial intelligence capabilities to guide students at various academic levels. Digital books will also be used via iPads and other smart phones which is a very interesting way of getting knowledge as compared to listening to a lecturer in class for hours (Williams & Hartley, 1990, p.13). In addition to these books, there will be computerised projectors that do not require human labour to control, but rather when begin automatically to convey what is to be studied at that particular time.
Currently, 3D is in the process of being modified; therefore, in the near future life may well be augmented. An example of this technology is the Pentagon’s Defence Advanced Research Project Agency work on AR- enabled contact lenses. These devices will enable the reading of digital information floating in a person’s field of vision. The ‘Iron man’ movie is also a perfect definition of augmented life.
Education is becoming advanced everyday as a result of technology and this makes students require a lot of energy and concentration so that they can understand everything that they learn. Medical Researchers have come up with a drug that stimulates the brain to work longer and concentrate more without exhaustion. An experiment done on this drug shows that there is no negative effect in its usage. When the intake of such drugs becomes more popular, the next generation will have enhanced mental ability vastly. These research advancements can be attributed to increased technology in communication for educational purposes. There are also people with the ability to move things with their minds and it is believed to be a magical act. In future, people will be able to control things without the use of joy sticks or even switches. All one will have to do is control what they want using their mind. All these will be enabled by a Brain Machine Interface which is a communication pathway that allows one’s neurons to send signals to external gadgets. There is also a possibility that one will be able to start his car just by putting it in his thoughts.
Human beings will also be able to use robots in place of humans in most places of work. This will be accomplished by using a human brain on a robot in order for it to receive the consciousness of humans to enable it become effective and efficient. However, the creators of these robots only expect to accomplish all these innovations within less than thirty years.
Technology in essence has impacted communication in a very positive way (Williams & Hartley, 1990, p.20). It has uplifted and helped numerous people in various ways. They include:
Accessibility- people are able to communicate over long distances as much as they would if it was a face- to- face conversation. This ensures that people keep in touch with each other at any given time and at a very affordable price.
Mass Communication- technology has enabled messages to be conveyed to a large number of people at once. For instance, in large institutions they use e- mails to send a single message to many people. Others may opt to make conference calls via suitable and available social network to masses.
Social relief- quite a number of people do not have the courage to have a one on one conversation with friends. It could be as a result of low self- esteem, lack of confidence or the fear of approaching new people. Technology has solved this issue for them by introducing networks such as Facebook which have chat rooms and even dating sites where these people are able to pour out their hearts without the fear of being judged.
Knowledge- the internet gives information about anything and anywhere. When a person is interested in knowing anything all they have to do is search it on the Web. Furthermore nowadays educational institutions are offering the option of acquiring education via the internet a program known as distance...
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