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Song Analysis (Essay Sample)

Song Analysis You will be submitting a Word document that includes: a song title and artist name an artist biography (250-500 words) and ‘liner notes’ draft (250-300 words). Liner notes are the writings found within the sleeves of record albums or booklets that are inserted within the CD jewel case. For these prose contributions, you must cite your sources. You may consult Wikipedia, since for some artists this may actually be a good source -- but it cannot be the ONLY source. Find at least 1-2 other sources (book or article; video interview; news story) to find information. The song I chose is Born this way by Lady Gaga. We are a Women, Gender, and the Arts course. I chose thins song because the gender roles. source..
Name Instructor Course Date Born This Way, Lady Gaga Artist's Biography Lady Gaga was born on 28 March, 1986 as Stefani Joanne Germanotta in New York City. She adopted her stage name from the Song Radio Ga Ga by Queen. Gaga's interest in music began in her early teenage years when she could perform at bars and clubs at 14. At 17, Gaga was among the youngest people admitted to New York University's School of the Art. While at the institution, Gaga honed her song writing skills and contributed to the analysis of art, religion, social issues, and politics. At 19, she decided to pursue her musical career after moving out of her parent's home. In the first decade of the 21st century, Gaga gained local attention when she collaborated and partnered with talent scout Rob Fusari and the Def Jam record label. However, her career on the record label was short-lived after Gaga was dropped in just three months. From then, Gaga went back home and became invested and focused on emerging neo-burlesque shows and go-go dancing; her style of expression became more experimental. Lady Gaga has been signed to Streamline Records as a singer, Sony Music Publishing as a songwriter, and Kon Live as a "franchise player." Gaga released her first album, The Fame, in 2008 but exploded into the music scene one year after her hit song Just Dance. Consequently, Gaga has released other EPs and albums, including, The Fame Monster, Born This Way, Artpop, Joanne, Chromatica, and the recent one, Love for Sale, released in 2021. In 2018, Lady Gaga starred in the film A Star Is Born and Top Gun: Maverick in 2023. Liner Notes Lady Gaga's Song, Born This Way, is a single and title track from one of her albums released in May 2011. The Song by itself was about empowerment and self-acceptance. The Song features the phrase LGBT where Gaga voices her belief about gender and sexuality as social issues that were at the time controversial across different countries and cultures. In the notes attached to the album on which the Song was released, Lady Gaga addresses her fans as Little Monsters, especially the LGBT (now LGBTQ) community, for the exceptional support accorded to her at the onset of her fame and international recognition (Bennett, 2014). In the Song, the message being promoted is inclusivity and self-love. A sense of diversity and a connection with contemporary real-world affairs is evident in the lyrics. Here, issues, including discrimination and bullying, are reiterated to create awareness through the songs. In the music video, Gaga references being bullied and dubbed 'rabbit teeth' in school because of her protruding front teeth. Born This Way has remained an empowerment anthem, particularly on the issues of gender and sexuality. Aside from her fans, Gaga recognizes many others who have been at the heart of the singer's operation and growth as a woman and artist. Producers that have inspired the artist to embrace and explore herself were also appreciated as the brothers that Gaga had never had. This is ...
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