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Impact of Advertisement on the New Media Generation (Essay Sample)


cyber bullying. The paper focuses on the results both positive and negative of the recent emergence of the media such as facebook,tweeter,and instagram.

Impact of Advertisement on the New Media Generation
Globalization, diversity, civilization and economy development are the dailies on every newspaper propagated directly or indirectly. They are aspects of the modern society or the new media generation. As a way of survival mechanism that is preserving, improving or corroding human culture, advertising has been the main agency of facilitating such mechanism through technologic. As such, persuasive and manipulative adverts have been used to convey different kinds of messages. As an attempt to transform the economy into perfect competition, several advertisement agency have come up with computerized programs meant to market their products and services.
Although, digital media have shaped and improved the standard of life of man, the issue of how the media is being transformed to convey the required message affects human lives and relationships negatively. Transformation of the digital media entails agency of advertisement such as Twitter and Facebook are among known and widely used advertisement in the new generation are the social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. therefore, the thesis analyses Twitter as an agency of advertisement on how it has promoted and encouraged values, characteristics and preferences of the new media generation. As such, the study shall use several supports from Andrew Lam in order to back up the claim and arguments behind the advertisement of the subject matter.
Many advertisement agencies especially social media have posed a threat on the values, characteristics and preferences of the new media generation. Most of the hashtags and comments on Twitter, agency of advertisement, have promoted and encouraged negative values, characteristic and preference of the new media generation. The claim is evident from the trends that emerged from hashtags meant for advertisement on Twitter’s platform. Recent research has shown that Twitter encourages and promotes racism, vices, individualism and egocentrism, violence, laziness, fear, crime, mischief, gender inequality and cultural corrosion.
According to the claim that Twitter as an agency of advertisement has been promoting and encouraging negative values and preference of the new media generation, there are several reasons behind such claim. As mentioned, racism, individualism and egocentrism, crime, inequality and other vices have risen up evident from the trends and hashtags associated with Twitter. Twitter uses several conventions such as mentions, replies and retweets to facilitate social connection depending on the type of message. As such, the main reasons for the claim are the language style and pictorial signals used to convey messages and allow social interaction. The use of “slangs” and symbols may promote either positive or negative values to the members. As such, there are no mechanism that have been programmed on the platform to censor or filter spam or threat messages and posts. Therefore, such reason undermines the effectiveness of Twitter in the promotion of positive values. There are words or categories of the words, although short, they don’t reveal or carry the meaning of one’s speech acts. On the same note, the language style used carry different meaning depending on the context of the social group membership, community, race and tribe. Although pornographic images posted on the Twitter platform have been discouraged and programs developed to filter them, there are other violent and illegal images that are posted and difficult to be filtered or controlled within the limits of the program. On the other hand, users of Twitter are anonymous persons that use personal pronouns and nouns to convey messages. As a result, the message, comment or tweet may carry a meaning that may be interpreted differently. Hence, Twitter remain a potential social and cultural corroding agent of advertisement on the new media generation.
The claim and reason behind ineffectiveness of the advertisement concerned have been developed from founded evidence as discussed below. The evidence have been identified from the tweets or hashtags, messages and comments that are trending on Twitter.
Primarily, Twitter has been in one way or another promoting and encouraging racism. (Huddleston) According to a recent tweet “#iftheygunnedmedown,” a picture and retweet that were posted on the platform had a negative effect on the values and preferences of the new media generation. The hashtag was tweeted after the killing of unnamed black American, Michael brown. As a result, the picture and tweets portrayed black American and African as angry, violent, hypersexual and uneducated. Although the hashtag meant to spread the message of death in return of condolences, the hashtag conveyed an opposite and violent message.
On the other hand, a recent story of a professor of science, Bill Nye, who collapsed out of exhaustion during a lecture. Audience, most of them students, took out their cameras and cell phones and took pictures for posting. Also, they tweeted instead of helping and rushing the professor to the hospital. Such incident shows how the media has taken over the brain of men to an extent of deprivation of empathy and humanity.
Twitter has been used a sophisticated social media for the promotion of violent messages and recruitment of fighters. (Richard) The Twitter Jihad have been using the platform to spread images of massacres, inspire fear and as a medium for recruiting fighters. In the historical event of 2014 Brazil world cup that was marked by an hashtag “#worldcup2014Brazil” led to a retweet with an image of a beheaded person, “#thisisourballithasskinonit.”
Negative stereotypes have been promoted through the use of Twitter. In this case, the images and adverts in tweeter have been a major facilitator of change in women characteristics, roles and values. The adverts of images and messages on the Twitter platform creates a stereotype that portrays and reflects women as too busy with motherhood duties, beauty and household. On the same note, women are portrayed as sexual objects whereby the images being tweeted by the advertising agents are provocative and erotic.
The issue of fame has made many artists famous and powerful. In the Twitter, the artist with many followers is considered noble, respected and powerful among the new generation
Generally, Twitter is a social media and an advertising agency that has been founded under the advancement of technology. As such, the new media generation have restricted their existence within the control of technology to the point of lifeless without it. There is no longer privacy either in writing or any other known form. Fame has taken roots among the new media generation, and it has corroded the concept of privacy. On the other hand, the authenticity and self-esteem no longer exist because the issue of face to face communication is becoming extinct.
As far as social media and advertising are concerned, Twitter, from the discussed reasons and evidence have become a powerful tool of promoting and encouraging negative values, characterizes and preferences of the new generation media. Several scholars and authors have formulated theories, arguments and claims concerning the effects of technology on human civilization. These scholars and authors such as Andrew Lam have based their arguments and theories concerning technology through empirical, deductive and inductive research to give objections or rebuttals according to the design of the society in relationship to the technological effects.
Objections and rebuttals
Andrew Lam, author of the “I tweet, therefore, I am,” has supported the claim on how human have been handicapped by the technology and its advancement. Primarily, Lam supports the claim by spearheading the issue of privacy and fame. According to Lam, digital media has become an essential part of our daily lives to the extent of posting out our every move, event or activity on social media such as Twitter. Such statement shows how technology has deprived man of his or her privacy. On the same note, Lam, support the issue of fame and power by stating, “Through the world of technology, man can attain power.”
The case of emergency of the professor Bill Nye, (D. George & J. Timbur) Lam has expressed the issue as an effect of the digital media. The digital media have made man consider recording and interaction an important scene of life than the issue of emergency. In other words, Lam supports the fact that digital media have deprived man of his sympathy, empathy and sense of humanity towards life. Man has priorities digital media to his or her life. The case of a seven years boy who accidentally cut her finger, and asked his fellow to take a video instead of asking for medical attention.
Self-esteem and personal expression according to Lam is a deadly virus of the digital media. In this case, (D. George & J. Timbur)Lam states that man has devoted much of his time to the virtual world that he sometimes forgets his own priorities and realities. As such, even personal eye contact bec...
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