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Influence of Mass Media on People's ideas (Essay Sample)

I wrote a sample essay of 275-350 words count IN MLA WRITING FORMAT. it was an argumentative essay in which i supported my stance by giving two evidence-based references that how media plays cruicial role in altering the people's opinion. The essay starts with a brief introductory para with an initial description of wide range of mass media platforms that are easily accessible for everyone around the globe. The next two body paragraphs included two diffrent arguments with the reference of an article and a book intext citation. The essay concludes with a paraGRAPH WITH SUMMARY OF ABOVE ARGUMENTS IN SUPPORT OF THE TITLE STATMENT. source..
Huma WriterBay Sample Essay (275-350 words) August 18, 2023. The Mass Media, including TV, Radio and Newspapers have Influence in Shaping People’s Ideas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Mass media has revolutionized the living patterns of humans in many aspects. Due to the growing technological advances and easy access to significant mass media platforms including TV, radio and newspapers, the world has turned into a global village. The current happenings including war, crisis or climatic calamities occurring at any part of the globe can be addressed collectively by the world community due to readily available access to the mass media platforms. Mass media has significant role in social, political and economic spheres of human existence. It has the power to intervene opinions of masses about various political groups. Moreover, it is used as an effective tool to enhance social development in the developing areas of the world. Likewise, mass media over the years has helped the people to identify their cultural goals and deeper understanding of the world’s phenomenon as a whole. The advertisement and entertainment that are used as tools of mass media influence consumer choices of the products and hence have effect on the economic trends of the locality. Therefore, it is pertinent to consider that the mass media, including TV, radio and television have great influence in shaping people’s ideas. Mass media plays key role in opinion building of individuals and social development of the communities. The political campaigns displayed on mass mediums including live news coverage on TV and radio channels are aimed to target greater audience and hence are pivotal towards opinion altering process of the majority masses. Furthermore, the crisis events displayed on mass media direct people to take immediate response against the acts violating basic human norms. (Mcquail 7-23). Thus, social reforms in a society are ensured by timely check and balance with the aid of mass media. The wide variety of cultures and ethnic groups that are showed on mass media create an unconscious sense of individual identity in the world. The media industries serve as powerful institutions to shape the thinking perspectives of individuals while making financial ...
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