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Why Too Much Schoolwork, Classwork, or Homework is Bad (Essay Sample)

This task and sample discuss the detrimental effects of excessive schoolwork, classwork, and homework on students' well-being, both physically and emotionally. It begins by highlighting how academic stress and anxiety can result from overburdening students with an excessive workload, leading to various health issues such as sleep disturbances, headaches, fatigue, and gastrointestinal problems. The sample further explores how high-achieving students, despite their academic engagement, may experience heightened stress levels, physical health concerns, and a lack of balance in their lives due to the demands of excessive schoolwork and homework. Additionally, it addresses how a heavy workload can impede students' ability to spend quality time with family and engage in extracurricular activities essential for their holistic development. By examining various studies and research findings, the sample underscores the importance of finding a balance in assigning schoolwork to students to prevent detrimental effects on their mental and physical health, as well as their overall quality of life. Thus, the task and sample provide insights into the negative consequences of excessive academic pressure on students and advocate for more balanced approaches to education to ensure their well-being is prioritized alongside academic achievement. source..
Student’s Name Instructor Course Date Why Too Much Schoolwork, Classwork, or Homework is Bad According to recent studies, overburdening students results in academic stress and negatively impacts their emotional and physical health, consequently impairing their ability to study. It is evident that although children who do their schoolwork and homework for extended periods occasionally behave more actively at school, they also tend to be more anxious and report more stress-related physical symptoms. Besides, when students, especially young ones, are expected to manage a workload that is out of proportion to their developmental stage, it can cause severe stress for both children and their parents. Therefore, it is apparent that too much schoolwork, classwork, and homework is terrible for students as it elevates anxiety and stress levels, increases health issues, and gives less time for friends, family, and extracurricular pursuits. According to a study, giving children more homework, especially younger students, might result in harmful stress and anxiety levels. Students may experience tension and anxiety if they are overloaded with numerous lessons at school and home and cannot finish the assignment by the deadline (Holland et al. 631). In addition to being free to spend time outside of classroom learning, students should be required to learn in a classroom setting. Many students claimed that their schoolwork keeps them up later than necessary, disrupts their sleep patterns, causes "headaches, tiredness, sleep deprivation, weight loss, and stomach problems," and throws off their daily schedules. Besides, most struggled or needed more time to complete crucial tasks outside school. Many people put in a lot of effort when it comes to homework but needs help with problems like a lack of knowledge, poor time management, or a poor understanding of the subject, all leading to worry. Therefore, it can be deduced that too much work for students is harmful as it can lead to stress and anxiety. In addition, high-achieving students who put in a lot of schoolwork and homework reported greater behavioral engagement in school and more academic stress, physical health concerns, and loss of balance. These health problems ranged from psycho-social effects, such as giving up activities, skipping visits to friends and family, and not participating in fun pastimes, to stress, migraines, exhaustion, lack of sleep, weight loss, and stomach difficulties (Holland et al. 640). Also, because of their hectic schedules and late nights spent studying and fretting about their scores, students need help sleeping. Furthermore, gastritis, persistent weariness, and poor postural alignment are shared among the students. In addition, pupils that have too much work may become stressed out. Overburdening students with homework can be harmful, even when it is well-designed and supports learning. Most kids with more than an hour of homework each night worry about finishing their assignments. This tension can eventually cause serious issues for a developing brain. The brain releases cortisol during stress, which slows immunological response and cognitive thinking. Cortisol can help us manage stress in the near term. Yet, growth and learning may be slowed if the brain continuously releases cortisol. Similarly, students are particularly affected since their brains rapidly form new neural connections. Even more concerning, high cortisol levels might harm the hippocampus, which is crucial to learning and memory. More work for students is needed as it can cause serious health issues. In addition, a heavy workload can interfere with spending quality time with family. This is especially true in homes where the parents cannot provide homework assistance (Dettmers et al. 1048). As the stress levels rise, fighting ruins any beautiful family time students could have after school. The researchers concluded that students with less homework were not developing other important life skills or meeting their developmental needs. In addition, there was a higher chance of students skipping out on social engagements, exciting hobbies, and activities altogether. The advantages of friendships, extracurricular activities, and relaxation for children's intellectual and emotional development have been the subject of several researches. Yet, students are less likely to get the chance to partake in these activities when their workload is excessive. Because they cannot participate in the activities that can help them develop into a well-rounded adult, even a youngster who is unfazed by heavy homework or excels in school may suffer. It may be detrimental to a ch...
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