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The character of a man (Essay Sample)

Hemingway's writing style in The Old Man and the Sea and beyond, is concise, straightforward, and realistic, a departure from other writers of his time. Many have referred to this style as the iceberg theory, a simple style of writing that reveals minimal detail on the surface, with deeper meaning hiding below source..
Student Name Professor Name Course Date The character of a man: Style in Hemingway’s The old man and the sea Ernest Hemingway is commonly regarded as one of the most important inventors in American literature. His writing style is characterized by clear language and few adjectives. In Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea, Santiago, a Cuban fisherman, attempts to land a giant marlin for three days but is thwarted by a shark attack when he returns to shore. Readers can identify with Santiago, told from the point of view of an informed narrator who struggles to make sense of his presence through a fish confrontation (Xie). This essay presents Hemingway's ironic and stylish report on a major ethical dilemma. The novella is a good example of simple wording and parallel sentence construction, especially in the frequent usage of words like "fish" and "hooked." Also, he highlights parallelism through the use of alliteration (Xie), by expressing pity for the fish and referring to it as a guy. Furthermore, Hemingway invents a systematic link between his and Santiago’s catch and hints at his thesis. Although he refers to "desperation" in the struggle for survival between man and fish, the understatement conceals the severity and depth of the conflict. The lack of emotionalism heightens the dramatic intensity of the internal monologue (Xie). According to Xie, it's important to pay great attention to how masculine the dramatic circumstance is to comprehend the cold writing format regarding Hemingway's subject. "A man shall live and as well die, in a world whose primary condition is violence." is the major topic of his work. Hemingway is drawn to portraying a world where man and nature are at odds: I love you and respect you so much, Fish, he added. But before the day is out, I'll kill you. Santiago's fatalistic response to Hemingway's inquiries concerning the propriety of killing his fish is related to the author's comprehensive significance of acknowledging nature's force and charmness (Xie). By utilizing a similar framework, Hemingway offers an outline that captures the essentiality of a fisherman’s traits in Santiago's community. To put it another way, the fact that Joe, Santiago, and St. Peter were all fishermen creates a structure in the universe that might represent stability. Santiago is unable to address a fundamental moral question that is concealed under the clear phrase structure and logical justifications: how is it possible to respect and honor nature while still having to kill it? Once more using an in...
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